Chapter 12

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Natalie's POV

We leave for the tour today!!!! I'm so excited!

I finished packing yesterday, so this morning I'm saying goodbye to my mom and sister.

When I was done saying goodbye to them, I took my stuff and walked next door. Mark was loading stuff on the buses.

"Good Morning, Natalie!" He said to me, "just leave your stuff here, I'll put it on the bus."

"Thanks Mark!"

I walk inside and go upstairs to Ross' room. He's finishing up packing.

"Hey babe!" He says pulling me into a kiss.

"Ross." I try to say, but he keeps kissing me.

"Come on!" I'm laughing now.

"What?" He continues to kiss me.

"You need to finish packing!"

"We still have an hour before we leave."

"Okay fine." I say giving in.

We continue to kiss for a couple seconds when Rocky walks into the room.

"Ross, we leave in 45 minutes and your not even done packing, now stop making out with Nat and finish packing!" He yells at Ross.

"He's right. Finish packing, then we can do whatever." I say walking out of the room. "I'm going to go see Rydel"

I walk down the hall to Rydel's room; her door's open, so I walk in. She's packing the last few things that were on her bed.

"Hey girl! Are you excited for your first tour?!" She asked me excitedly.

"Yes! I'm really excited! I can't wait to travel with everyone."

"It's a lot of fun!" She said, "and since there's two buses, me, you, Katy, Christina, and my mom are on a bus; and Ross, Ryland, Rocky, Riker, Ellington and my dad are on the other."


"But don't worry, we don't have to stay that way the whole time; when we wake up, we can move around so we can be with the boys."


"Everyone!" Mark yells from downstairs. "The buses are packed! Time to go!"

Everyone runs downstairs and separates onto the two buses.

The tour has officially begun!!

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