Chapter 16

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Ross POV (earlier that day)

I grab the keys to moms car and Natalie shows me where she used to live. It's a really nice area. I don't know why she hated it here so much.

We're at the park and this girl starts talking to Nat. When Bria tells Natalie that she's dating this guy, I don't remember what she said his name was, I could tell that Natalie got a little upset. I didn't want to ask her about it, if she wanted to talk about it, she would have told me.

The rest of the day was a lot of fun. I defiantly want to come back again.

We get ready for dinner and go to the restaurant that Natalie and Bria decided on.

The guy says hey to her and she smiles and says hey back.

"Ross, this is Alex." Natalie says introducing him to me.

Natalie's POV

I introduce them and I noticed Alex got a little jealous.

"Natalie?" He says, "can we go outside and talk for a minute?" He asks.

Ross' grip tightens on my hand.


"Ross, I'll be back in a couple minutes." I say to him.

We walk outside and sit on the bench by the door.

"Isn't Ross like 18?" He asks me.

"Yeah. And what's with you and Bria?" I begin, "I thought you couldn't stand her; especially after what she did."


First semester of sophomore year is ending in a couple days. I have a class with Alex now, but I don't next semester. I've liked him for a year now and I would say that we were friends.

The first half of the school year I discovered that Bria liked Alex too. She did everything to impress him, but I could tell that he didn't like her that way.

I was really upset that I didn't have any classes with Alex, so I wanted to give him my number so that I could tell him how I feel. I wrote a note with my number in it telling him to text me. I couldn't give it to him myself, so I had Taylor do it since she had 2 classes with him.

Later that day I get a text saying that it was him. I texted him saying it was me, but never got a response the rest of the night.

The next day I get a text from him again during the same class. This time it said some really cute things, I didn't respond still. Then I got a text saying "this isn't Alex." I went home and cried the rest of the day.

I figured out that it was Bria who took the note away from him and texted me. I haven't talked to either of them since.

*end of flashback*

"Okay, let me explain" he says, "I really wanted to text you that day because I wanted to ask you out. But Bria took the note from me as I was typing in your number. I tried to get it back from her, I really did. But she put your number in her phone and tore it up and threw it away. Natalie, I like you. I have for a while now. It kills me that your with Ross. But I get it, you don't live here anymore so it wouldn't work anyway."

"Alex, I like you to. That's what I was going to tell you that day." I say. "If you like me, why are you dating Bria?"

"I was trying to get over you."


"But forget it, you've obviously moved on. So let's pretend this didn't happen and go eat." He says standing up.

I stand up and hug him. I've wanted to do that for so long. He hugs me back.

We walk into the restaurant and my stomach sinks, again.

"Bria, what are you doing?!" I scream at her.

She was kissing Ross.

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