Chapter 15

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~2 weeks later~

Natalie's POV

We're in Ohio! We are staying here for the weekend because there are no shows and I want to show Ross around the town I grew up in.

I ask Stormie if she could take me to my old house since her and Mark rented cars for the weekend. We get to my old house and I notice that it's still up for sale. I walk up to the windows and look in. I never though I would say this, but I kinda miss it here. I know I've only been gone for about a month, but it's weird not seeing people I used to see everyday.

I don't want to go over anyone's house yet. I want to surprise them. They called me the other day telling me that they got meet and greet tickets to the show. None of them know about me and Ross. I wanted to tell them about him in person.

We go back to the bus and I find Ross.

"Hey babe." He says.

"Hey. Where did everyone go?"

"Well since we're in downtown Cleveland, they wanted to go to the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame."

"You didn't wanna go?" I say shocked.

"Yeah, but I want to go with you." He says, "I figured since we're going to be here for a whole weekend, we can finally go on our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend"

"It's about time, it's only been three weeks!" I say laughing.

He pulls me into a tight hug. I could stay here like this for hours. He pulls back a little and kisses me. I still get butterflies in my stomach when we kiss. It's going to take some getting used to.

The concert is in about 4 hours. Usually they would be at the venue by now, which tonight is at the House of Blues. But there is no interview before the m&g, so they just have to get ready for that.

About an hour later everyone gets back on the bus. Everyone crammed into the one bus, it was really uncomfortable and hot. Mark and Stormie said they got hotel rooms so we won't have to stay on the bus the whole weekend.

Me, Ross, Rydel, and Ellington got one room; Rocky, Christina, Ryland, and Katy got another room; Riker got his own room and Mark and Stormie got their own room.

We went to the hotel and got ready for the show.


During the meet and greet, I stand in the area that the fans go to after they meet r5. I few groups of girls walk past wiping their tears away. Then I heard 3 girls go up to r5 and I hear Maria say,

"Omg! Our best friend would love to be here with us, but she moved, but can you guys sign something so we can send it to her?"

"How about something better?" I hear Ross say.

That was my cue to walk out and surprise them. I walk out so they can see me and they scream.

"I missed you guys so much!" I say hugging them.

"But wait," Taylor says, "how do you know r5?!"

"Well they're kinda my neighbors," I say looking at Ross, "and I'm kinda dating Ross."

All three of them scream.

We all take a picture and the 4 of us find our seats. I got them front row tickets.

When the concert was over, we went back to the hotel and got ready for bed. It's going to be awesome sleeping in an actual bed. Loving the bus, but the bunks are not that comfy.


The next morning, I wanted to take Ross around where I grew up. We got up kinda early and got the day started.

He gets the keys to one of the cars and we go to my old neighborhood. I show him my house and introduce him to my old neighbors.

Then we went to a park that is around the corner from the house. We sit on the swing and I tell him about some of the games I used to play when I was here. All of a sudden, I hear my name.

"Natalie?! Is that you?!" It's this girl Bria.

Let me tell you about her. I met her in elementary school and we were friends. We stayed friends until middle school. We kinda grew apart so we didn't talk much. Then freshman and sophomore year, we stopped talking all together and stopped liking eachother.

"Hey!" I try to be nice.

"I heard you moved, are you visiting?" She asks me.

"Yeah. This is my boyfriend Ross"

"Hi, nice to meet you." He says shaking her hand.

"So how are you?" Again, I'm trying to be nice.

"Good. I'm dating Alex." She says

My stomach sinks. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh." I try to say happily.

"Yeah, we should all hang out tonight; me, you, Alex, and Ross."


We decide on a place to go and she leaves.

I can't believe Alex and Bria are a thing, he swore he never liked her that way. And the way he acted around her, I didn't even think he liked her as a friend.

Me and Ross leave the park and I show him some of my other favorite places. We go to the Rock Hall, and he loves it. I've been there a bunch of times, so I wasn't as excited as he was.

It was getting time to go meet up with Alex and Bria at the restaurant. I'm really not looking forward to it.

We get to the restaurant and they are already there. I'm so nervous.

"Hey Natalie." Alex says to me smiling.

I smile back and my stomach forms into a giant knot.

Age Is Overrated-Ross Lynch/r5Where stories live. Discover now