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All summer. She had to deal with this all summer.

Watching the idiot she swore she was only using, but ended up kissing and crushing on, fall hopelessly in love with the new girl.

The new girl who was nicer, who was quieter, who was more caring, who was everything she wasn't.

"Sarada, you good?"

"Yes." Sarada responded with a small smile in the direction of the voice but her eyes still on the couple. She was too occupied to put a name or face to the voice. They were kissing now... Not full on makeout session but small pecks here and there, their lips never really separating. The girl was blushing hard and looked embarrassed while the boy was ecstatic and filled with energy.

"Are you sure?" The voice said again. Sarada groaned loudly as she turned to look at the person who had interrupted her precious observation time. It was ChouChou.

"Yes." ChouChou rose an eyebrow and bit into the chocolate bar in her hand.

"But you've been stalking Boruto and Sumire all summer. Isn't-"

"I have not been stalking them. Just observing their relationship." Sarada turned back to the two. ChouChou snickered.

"Sure... Is it because you're jealous that Boruto moved on quicker than you? Honestly, I'm surprised."

"I'm not jealous! I'm just.."

"Oh my gosh! You're not jealous of Boruto! You're jealous of Sumire! You like him! You did date him." ChouChou squealed loudly. Sarada stared at her best friend with disgust.

"As if! I was using him. Plus, I'm the one that told him to date her." Sarada crossed her arms smugly when she finished proving her point, which she hoped was convincing enough to keep ChouChou from getting suspicious again.

"Yeah sure..." Sarada huffed and grabbed her best friend's chocolate bar. Then she took a bite and walked away without handing it back. ChouChou stood there in shock. It happedned again. Just like with her chips. And it was Boruto's fault. Again.

"You!" ChouChou marched up to the happy couple and grabbed Boruto by the back of his shirt, yanking him to the ground. She hovered over the cowering boy with a glare so sharp it could kill. A dark aura surrounded the two leaving a very confused Sumire to look on. A foot came into the blonde's sight and it was getting closer to his face by the second.

"What did I do!" Then everything went black. This has been happening to Boruto a lot this summer. One second he would be fine and then the next ChouChou would be storming up to him with rage in her eyes. He never knew why and he doesn't think he ever will.
The light was bright. Blinding almost. Boruto was laid out in the middle of the room with his eyes squinting up at the light.

"Welcome." A computerized female voice stated. The words echoing through the large room. Boruto sat up, eyes finally adjusted to the light. Standing in front of him were two silhouettes. He stood up and then two spotlights hit the silhouettes.

"Sarada! Sumire!" Both girls looked over to the blonde. Sumire gave a shy smile and wave. Sarada gave a smirk. Boruto attempted to walk forward but was stopped by a glass.

"Chose your weapon." The automated voice rang again, this time louder than before. Boruto jumped at the volume, his ears ringing. Three smaller podiums rose from the sleek black ground. One each was a weapon. The first a gun, the second a sword, the third a kunai. Boruto stepped slowly. His eyes widened in fear.

"W-what! Why!" His voice shook.

"CHOOSE A WEAPON!"  The computer voice screamed. The ringing grew louder. Boruto extended a trembling hand and picked up the kunai, it felt heavy in his sweaty hand. The podiums sank back into the ground.

"What do I do?" Boruto spun around the room before turning to look at the two girl before him.

"Chose  your victim." The blonde froze and the kunai dropped to the floor with a loud clank. A new one appeared in his hand.

"No, I-i can't!" The kunai began to burn and Boruto shook it out his hand but it kept reappearing.

"Choose your victim." Boruto attempted looked at the two girls. Sarada seemed disinterested with the whole thing while Sumire was nervously chewing on her bottom lip. The weight of the kunai grew and the heat along with it. The Uzumaki was now a sweaty, confused mess. Tears stung in his eyes. He lifted the weapon and threw it hard. It sunk into her chest and she fell to her knees. She opened her mouth as if to say something but the only thing that came out was blood and a gurgling sound. Boruto fell back and took a huge gulp of air. His ears were ringing beyond the point of hearing now and his vision was blurring. "Great choice."

Boruto shot up. His blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he took labored breathes. His lungs stung with lack or air and he was covered in sweat. He surveyed his surroundings and saw that he was in his room. When his breathing calmed he noticed a throbbing in his head where ChouChou had kicked him.

"Great choice?" He fell back on his pillow with a huff. His eyes stared up at the ceiling. Tears began to fall down the sides of his face. What a great way to end summer.


What's up, hoes!

Jk, nah. Welcome to the sequel of Growing Up: The Teen Years! WOO-HOO! That first chapter was  wowzers. It was fun to write, I've never written anything like it.

Hope yall enjoyed! See you in the next chapter... Hopefully.


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