Junior Year: One

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Sarada has been gone for months and no one had heard from her. There was this emptiness in the school and no one could seem to place their finger on the issue. Students left Konoaha all the time, why was Sarada so different?

Boruto didn't know how to feel about her being gone. He didn't know how to act and there was this awkwardness that wasn't there before in their group. Not even before, when Sarada was there from afar. She was gone for real this time and they didn't know when or if she was going to come back. No one had been able to get in contact with her and the only reason they knew she was okay was because their parents still talked to Sakura regularly. Himawari used to ask their mom if she could talk to Sarada but she was turned down every single time. She gave up after a month. Boruto never even tried. He knew that nothing would change if they talked. It wasn't going to make her come back any sooner. Instead, he tried everything he could to fill the void. He actually paid attention in school now, he hung out with his friends more and he wasn't a nuisance anymore. At least that's what he thought.

Mitsuki was happy. Sarada was getting the help she needed and Boruto was finally growing up. He didn't know how Sarada was doing but he knew she was okay so that's all the mattered. Seeing Boruto become more productive was shocking at first but he was glad that this change was happening. Boruto was willingly doing school work and helping out around town. He even got a job at the burger spot. Mitsuki formally introduced him to Kobura and they became fast friends. However, there was still something missing. No one seemed to talk about it but it was there. There was no denying that things wouldn't be the same without her.

Without Sarada.
"You see!" Kobura exclaimed as she grabbed the spray paint can from Boruto's hand. "This is why we can't have nice things." The blonde rolled his eyes as he turned toward his new friend. She had a smirk on her face but he could see the annoyance in her golden eyes. "I thought you were done being a delinquent."

"It's a blank wall in an alleyway." Boruto argued as he gestured towards the wall.

"It's still illegal." She said as she crossed her arms. "And it's conveniently near the Uchiha Manor?" Boruto blushed. He tried to grab the can back from the girl but she stepped back. He reached for it again but he missed.

"A coincidence." She quirked an eyebrow at him. He gave up on trying to get his spray paint back and sighed. "I'm serious."

"Okay, let's say I believe you. What were you going to paint?" Boruto mumbled a response but Kobura didn't hear it. "Speak louder, blondey, or this," She shook the can. "is being emptied into your hair."

"I don't know. Just something." Kobura placed the can back in Boruto's hand before patting him on the back. He looked at it but didn't move to put in his bag.

"Not a good enough response. Let's go before Mitsuki starts to worry."

"He's always worried about me. Ever since.." His voice trailed off but they both knew where he was going. Kobura looked at Boruto and saw his eyes dim. A sad wave came off of him as he finally turned and put the can away. The blue haired teen's face fell before she cleared her throat to ease the tension as Boruto put on his bag.

"Of course he does. You do stuff like this instead of crying under your sheets in your room with the lights off while you listen to My Chemical Romance, like the rest of us." Kobura linked their arms and started to lead the other teen out of the alley. "She's going to come back and she's not going to want to be with someone who's in jail for vandalism." Boruto shrugged halfheartedly but he knew she was right. He was getting his act together for Sarada and hopefully, when she got back, things would go back to normal. Or as normal as it could. "So stick to the plan, you idiot. It was your idea." Boruto fake pouted.

"The plans boring." Kobura rolled her eyes.

"So is jail."

"I mean..." Boruto said offhandedly in fake thought as he bumped shoulders with Kobura. He smiled down at her but she rolled her eyes. He didn't miss the small twitch of her lip though.

"What did she ever see in you?" Boruto gasped in fake shock at the question before he stopped to think.

"Honestly?" Kobura nodded her head. "I don't even know." The two of them burst out into laughter.

Maybe things would be okay without her.


I've been gone for half a year and this is all I give you?  A shame, truly. Also, how do y'all think Sarada is?

I've been going through a lot in my personal life and the whole covid thing. I'll try my best to update again before the year is up.

Kisses, Hime.

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