Freshmen Year: Two

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Sarada scrolled through her Instagram feed liking everything but she wasn't really paying attention because her mind was preoccupied. ChouChou was sitting next to her struggling with an English assignment and being the good friend she was she didn't want to bother her with her issues.

"Um, Sarada?"

"Hmm?" The Uchiha hummed in response but kept her gaze on the screen in front of her. ChouChou slid her paper over to Sarada's line of sight. It was covered in small neat handwriting but everything was wrong. Sarada shut her phone off and looked over to her friend. ChouChou was chewing on the end of her pencil with a worried look in her eyes.

"What is it?" ChouChou asked as she leaned closer to her friend. She was so close they Sarada could feel her breath hitting her cheek. She looked at the girl sitting beside her.

"A little personal space is appreciated." ChouChou didn't budge. Sarada took her book out of her bag and slammed it on the table. "Actually read the book and maybe you'll pass. I'm going home." ChouChou started to protest but Sarada left without another glance. She wasn't in the mood to deal with her best friend whining like a three year old. Her eyes went back to her phone and her fingers went back to scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, distracting herself from the thoughts of a certain blonde idiot. She was rounding into the next hallway when she bumped into somebody. Sarada looked up and saw Inojin. He was a nervous mess. His eyes were darting up and down the hallway as if he were looking for witnesses.

"Hey. I have a question." He stuttered out. Sarada raised a brow because Inojin never stutters or bumps into people.

"So you bump into me? Great way to get my attention." Inojin let out a nervous chuckle. Okay, something's up. Sarada thought to herself.

"Um, so like, you see..."

"Spit it out!" Sarada was getting annoyed. The blonde took in a deep breathe before speaking again.

"How did you get Boruto to date you?" Sarada blinked.


"How did you-"

"I heard you but what?"

"You and Boruto, before him and S-"


"Himawari, I like her but she doesn't seem interested. So, I want to know how to get her to date me." Inojin smiled. Sarada scoffed at him then she burst out laughing.

"Dude, she's totally in to you but wait a while. Another year or two. We're still pretty young. Dating Boruto was a huge mistake and honestly I think Sumire should break up with him. We're not really mature enough yet, in my opinion, but you may think otherwise. Go ahead but think about the maturity, responsibility and commitment that is needed to be in a real relationship. Are you ready for that? It's a waste of time, focus on your schoolwork. That's all the advice I have but, once again, it's your choice." Sarada left qucikly, not waiting for the other to respond. She was scowling and she didn't want Inojin to see that her answer was emotion based because usually they tend not to be. Lately, her emotions have been getting in the way of everything and she needed to deal with that. She's been off the control train since Boruto and Sumire started dating. She's been snappier than usual, her grades have been slipping, and her friends are distancing themselves. If she doesn't get a hold of these emotions quick, someone was going to get hurt. Sarada exited the building and bumped into another person. Her head shot up quick enough to give a normal person whiplash. Sumire.

"Oh I'm sorry, Sarada! I didn't see you-" Sarada glared making Sumire shut her mouth.

"Just shut up! You clearly saw me! I'm the only one that should be saying that because I was walking with my phone. You purposely bumped into me!"

"No, I-"

"You just like ruining my life. It's all fine! I'm an Uchiha and peasants like you don't faze me. Unlike everyone else here, I'm not falling for your little angel act. Showing up, stealing a girl's boyfriend on your first day here and then flaunting him infront of everyone like it's true love is pathetic. You would be nothing without my leftovers." Sumire stared, frozen. Sarada stomped off. Sarada was furious, she didn't know why but she was. As she walked she thought about what she said and as she got to her house she was regretting it.

"Hey, princess." Sakura exclaimed from the front door. Sarada shrugged.

"Hi mama. I think I'm going to head to my room. Call me for dinner." Sakura nodded while she watched her daughter walk up the stairs.


That was one hell of a chapter.... Bloop. I don't even know what to say.

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