Sophomore Year: Four; Part Two

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Mitsuki watched as Sarada smiled at everyone as she opened the door wider. It was beyond fake. Her hand was white from gripping the door so tightly and her body was tense. He wanted to say something but he knew that he couldn't with Boruto there so he walked past her without making any eye contact. Sarada didn't seem to notice because her eyes never seemed to leave Boruto. She was following his every single move. Boruto didn't acknowledge her.

"Naruto! Hinata!" Sakura exclaimed as she walked into the foyer. Sarada snapped out of her trance when her mother walked in. She glared at the woman but didn't say anything. Her face was red with anger and Mitsuki swore her eyes flashed the same color. Then her face was blank, all the emotion she was just exhibiting gone. "What happened to Boruto?" Hinata's mouth quickly clamped shut and a look of disappointment crossed over her face. Naruto tensed but didn't day anything either. Boruto was leaning against the wall, hands still buried in his pockets and headphones still blasting music Mitsuki could hear from where he stood.

"The idiot got into another fight." Sarada answered, a smug look on her face. Mitsuki could see the mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Another?" Sakura said with confusion as she looked at her friends to see if what Sarada had said was correct. "As in there has been more than one and this wasn't his first." Himawari's face broke into a huge smile. Boruto had already gotten suspended, a lecture from their parents and now he was about to get a lecture from Sakura. She was waiting expectantly but the lecture never came. Instead, Sakura laughed.

"What?" She said to herself quietly. Sarada seemed to be just as confused because she said the same thing, but louder. Mitsuki coughed as he nudged Boruto, who was still in his own world.

"It's no big deal. We got into a lot of fights when we were younger." Sakura glared at Orochimaru when she said fights but smiled brightly at everyone else before she turned towards the dining room, motioning for everyone to follow her. Sarada blinked. Her calculations had been wrong. She had expected her mother to get mad. Sarada knew that Sakura thought of all her friend's children as her own and if Sarada had gotten into a fight she would be grounded for a lifetime. The fact that Boruto has been in multiple, but it triggered no reaction from Sakura, angered Sarada.

It was nothing to fuss over though, at least not publicly.

Mitsuki watched as Sarada's face went from shock to confusion to anger to blank, so fast you would've missed the change if you didn't know the Uchiha, before he looked away and followed everyone else. He expected to hear her steps behind him but when he turned back to check he saw her hair disappear up the stairs. He knew she was mad.

Mad about the way her parents threw Boruto on her without a warning and then having her best friend ignore her because Boruto was there.

Mad that the only person she thought was on her side had betrayed her.

Mitsuki felt like shit.
Sarada rushed into her room and picked up her leather jacket from where she left it. She grabbed her phone from its charger and pushed her window open. At the bottom of the window was a pale boy with platinum blonde hair. He was leaning against a black motorcycle with two helmets in his hands.

"You ready?" He asked while he looked up at the girl. His red eyes glowing with excitement as he watched her start climbing down the tree by her window.

Then she stopped and a boy with blue hair stood behind her. His golden eyes narrowed at the boy.

"Hello." The boy said with a smirk. Mitsuki gave a nod of acknowledgement but didn't say anything before turning back to Sarada.

"What are you doing with him? He's a senior, Sara." Mitsuki saw her roll her eyes at the nickname.

"He's a friend, nothing more. Not every guy I'm with I have to be dating. I thought you knew me better than that." Sarda sighed. "But I seem to be getting a lot of things wrong recently, I think it started when I thought I still had a real friend."


"People make mistakes, Suki!" Sarada could visably see the tension drain from Mitsuki's body. She smiled innocently before continuing. "And I just happened to make the mistake of trusting you." Sarada saw the pain cross her friend's face but didn't stay for his response. She wanted to leave and that's what she was going to do. She finished her descent to the boy awaiting her. He handed her a helmet before they both climbed on.

Mitsuki watched from the window as they sped off, his chest clenching with guilt.

He thought he was doing the right thing.

He thought so wrong.

It's been eighty four years...

I'm back? Yeah, ig.
Did ya miss me? I know I didn't!

Sorry for taking so long but I have super major writers block. I know what I want to do with the story. I've basically written senior year and the ending but I don't know how to get there. So expect some long ass gaps between chapters. I'm also planning my sweet sixteen and that's really super stressful.

Happy Indiginous People(fuck Columbus)Day, btw.

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