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It was two weeks before summer break.

Two months after Sarada's birthday.

Two months since she last talked to them.

Two months since she cut them out of her life.

Mitsuki sat next to Boruto who was currently throwing stones at a brick wall. Sumire had just broken up with him and moved away. He was pouting like a five year old and it was annoying Mitsuki. Of course he knew the Uzumaki was upset because Sarada had officially cut all ties with him, she even changed her number, but of course Boruto was an idiot and thought he was sad because of Sumire. As if. The blue haired teen rolled his eyes and was about to stop his best friend from throwing another stone when his phone chimed with a notification.

I'm bored!! wya???

The park with your ex



Boruto looked at his best friend who was laughing at his phone.

"Bro. I'm over here dying of heartbreak from losing Sumire and you're texting somebody." Mitsuki rolled his eye again.

"You love Sarada..."

"What was that?" Boruto asked as he dropped the pebble in his hand.

"Nothing.... I'm texting my cousin. She wants to meet up. Is that okay with you?" Mitsuki asked as he  texted Kobura telling her where they were. Boruto sighed.

"If she's better at consoling me after a break up, then why not."

"You good?"

"It seems like everyone is leaving me. I could use a new friend. Thanks for staying." Mitsuki looked at his friend and the way he was slumped over. His usually confident atmosphere was now dull and its been a while since he's seen the blonde actually smile.

"Of course. I've always got your back." He pat the other boy's shoulder but his chest felt heavy with guilt.
Sarada cried into her pillow while Mitsuki stroked her hair. They were going through her old stuff and laughing at the memories when they came across her glasses. She told him about them and burst out into tears as she ran her fingers over the engraved message.

"Sara?" He asked. The Uchiha lifted her head.

"I'm fine." She responded with a sad smile. Mitsuki smiled back and racked his head for anything to make her feel better. The he looked at her.

"Hell yeah, you are. And it's unfair." Sarada raised one of her naturally perfect eyebrows.


"Like you just had a full on, snot-running-down-your-face-my-life-is-over cry and you look like a freaking model." And he was telling the truth. Her hair was doing that messy but sexy thing, her face was nicely blushed, and the way the light in the room was, made it look like her eyes were shinning.

"Thanks. You always know how to make me feel batter." She laughed.

"I mean, c'mon. We get it! You have two genetically perfect parents! You hit the genetics jackpot. Not everyone is that lucky, bro! No one looks that good after almost suffocating themselves with a pillow." Mitsuki playfully glared at her. Sarada rolled her eyes and pushed his shoulder. Then they burst out laughing.

"Goddamn! I've missed you so much. You're like the only person I can rely on now."

"What can I say? I'm awesome."

"Yeah you are." Sarada pulled him into a hug. "I don't know what'd I do without you."
He's been talking to Sarada and he's been lying about it. He knows that if he tells Boruto, he'll confront Sarada and make the situation worse. They just need time to figure out their emotions. Mitsuki was the glue of their trio and if keeping them apart for a little helped things, then he'll have to endure the pain. Even if it meant watching the two people he cares about the most hurt themselves. Being a teenager is hard.

Rawr XD

Lmfao jk. How'd yall like this one. I loved it. Like I didn't know I was such a good a authorer. Shook.

Sarada: Someone get this girl an award!

Oh stahp it!

Boruto: Hi Sa-
Sarada:Shut up. *leaves room*

Damn. Vote, comment, stuff??

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