Freshmen Year: Seven

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It was a week before Sarada's birthday and everyone was anxious to get it over with, especially all of Sarada's old friends. They were ready to get away from the torture that was Sarada's new atittude. Chouchou looked at said girl as she joked around with Yodo, a transfer student from Sunagakure and the adopted daughter of Gaara Desert. Yodo was one of the girls Sarada hated, or at least used to hate. One of those girls who didn't care about their grades and abused their parents money. Sarada looked up and saw her ex best friend looking at her. She ran a hand through her hair, a habit she developed since she stopped wearing her glasses. Sarada tilted her head to the side and gave Chouchou a smirk. The chubby girl hesitantly smiled back.

"Hey." The Uchiha said coolly as she waved the girl over. Chouchou slowly went her way. Shikadai and Inojin stared from the table. Inojin's eyes buldged from his head while Shikadai let out a sigh. He placed his head the cafetaria table.

"Hi, Sarada."

"How you been? My mom's been asking about you." Yodo chuckled at this as if the statement was some joke. Sarada glared at her and she quickly shut her mouth. Chouchou gulped. Sarada has glared many times but she's never seen one so harsh before. "And she loves the idea of this party you're throwing for me."

"Well Sumi-" Sarada took up her cup and shook it around before taking a long slurp of her soda and rolling her eyes. When her eyes made their way back to Chouchou, she put her cup down and let out a sigh. Then she looked over at Sumire who was talking with Himawari.

"Yeah. Tell Barney I send my thanks." Sarada said with a sweet smile. She took up her tray and walked off, her platforms clicking against the cafeteria's floor. Yodo followed quickly behind. Chouchou let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she watched them walk away.

Sarada quickly organized her tray and threw things away in their correct bins before leaving the cafeteria. She felt off. Everything was changing. Sarada knew it was her fault but it hurt seeing the friends she's had since birth quickly replace her with  Sumire. The shy, purple haired girl who smiled too much and was always happy. Something Sarada wasn't. Sarada was rude, blunt, and opinionated. No wonder she was so easily forgotten. Who wanted that as their friend? The more time she spent with Yurui and his friends, the more distant her old friends got. It made her think that maybe they only hung out with her because their parents were so close. The thought was ubsurd, of course! How can can you spend fourteen years, you're whole life, with a person and not like them. However, those vicious thoughts always came back.

"I hate feelings." Sarada exhaled as she quickly walked to the bathroom, making sure no one was following. She felt the sting of tears as she locked the door. The way they looked at her, with fear and uncertainty. As if she were some monster waiting to charge. She hasn't said or done anything to them to make them feel that way. Or was it the Uchiha reputation. Were they scared she was following in the footsteps of her unstable family? Like her genius uncle who poisoned his whole family at fourteen leaving only him and his little brother. Or her father who nearly killed his friends at sixteen when he purposefully set a house on fire because Naruto angered him only a few days before stabbing her uncle. She was around the same age they were when they went off kilter. She knew what she was.

One of The Cursed Uchihas.

That's what they were called and she wouldn't be surprised if it were true. She wasn't oblivious to her atittude change, it was only a matter of time and she knew she wasn't the only one who saw it. Her father had left again, this time reluctantly and her mother was cautious. They gave her everything she asked for now. Sure she was spoiled but her parents had limits. Or at least they used to. The second Sarada stopped wearing her glasses, they knew. They thought they were being discreet but Sarda figured it out, she wasn't an idiot.

They were scared of her.

A small chuckle escaped her lips. She looked at herself in the dirty mirror. Then she burst out laughing.

"Maybe they should be."

Wowzers. It's been a week already? Hmmmmmmmm.

Anywhore, this chapter was a roller-coaster of emotions but it was fun.

You like my Uchiha madness? Because I sure do. Any suggestions on what I should do with the U. M. next or any schemes for Sarada? Any suggestions are acceptable, really. I like using your ideas. It makes this series feel more like a collaborative effort.

Comment, vote, stuff. Kisses.

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