Freshmen Year: One

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Kobura hated school. Kobura hated people. Kobura hated the people in schools. Somehow, she got herself in a mess where she had to dress up as someone else and go to school. She had to date a boy that is best friends with her cousin and the ex of the only girl she would be real friends with. She stared at her reflection one last time before standing up.

"Time for school."

"Kobura, you ready?" Mitsuki asked from her door. He knew that she was Sumire, the new girl. He was very fond of the idea actually. When she told him all about it he laughed and decided to help her with the whole scheme. Why? He said it was something about Sarada having too much pride and Boruto being a dense idiot but Kobura didn't really care.

"Yes.." She replied with a glare. Mitsuki gave a little smile before walking from his cousin's room. Mitsuki was loving every second of this. He didn't know how Kobura could last but he hoped it was a little longer. She already made it through summer, high school shouldn't be that much harder.

Oh boy, was he wrong.
Himawari ran out the door after her older brother. Her eyes wide with excitement. Today was the first day of school. She loved school, it was the one place she could see Inojin without having to worry about her brother always butting in. Sure she was two years younger but the thought made her giddy. A forbidden love.

"Okay, maybe I need to cut back on the romance novels." The younger girl stopped walking as she contemplated. Boruto looked back at his sister. He rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hima?" Himawari looked up. She shrugged and continued walking.

"Where's Sarada? We always walk to school with her." Boruto visibly tensed at the question but Himawari didn't notice as she skipped along the street. Boruto didn't respond as he sped up his walking. As he turned the corner he came to halt. Sarada was standing up the block. She was alone with her head in a new book. She had on headphones and her glasses were slipping off her nose, she didn't notice. Boruto came to a quick stop. His eyes blew wide and he took a step back only to bump into Himawari.

"Um, we can't go this way. Yeah... Not this way." Boruto squeaked out as he turned to face his sister. His face was red and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Why not?" Himawari tried to look around the taller boy but Boruto kept waving his arms frantically. He tried pushing Himawari the other way but the girl wouldn't budge.


"Shoot." The blonde turned around to see Sarada staring at them. Her headphones were now around her neck and her book was closed. She gave a smile and a small wave, beckoning them over.

"Barely saw you guys this summer. What's up?" Boruto felt his heart speed up as the Uchiha approached. He felt like he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen by the time she got to them. He was sweating profusely and his breath was erratic. Himawari smiled at Sarada and gave her a hug.

"I missed you! I actually asked Boruto where you were this morning but he ignored me, as usual." Sarada chuckled at the younger girl's antics as she ruffled her navy blue hair.

"I missed you, too. I was just busy helping Mama at the hospital any chance I got." Himawari wrinkled her nose in disgust and fake gagged.

"I thought you hated the hospital." She commented as they continued their walk to school.

"I do, it was just something to keep me occupied while I dealt with something else." Like your obsession with Boruto, Sarada thought to herself. "Anyway, where's your brother?" Sarada asked as she looked around the street.

"He was just here. Maybe he went to look for his girlfriend." Himawari teased, emphasizing girlfriend as she nudged Sarada with her shoulder. Sarada let our a nervous laugh. The two girls made their way down the block, unaware of the hiding Boruto in the alley across the street. He watched the two retreating figures and let out the breath he was holding in when they were out of sight. He stood up from the brick wall he was leaning against and looked around to make sure no one saw him. Boruto was about to exit the alley when his phone rang. He quickly took it out his pocket.

It was Sumire. His panic quickly subsided as her name and picture flashed across his screen. He answered with a smile forming on his face.

"Good morning, Bolt!" The girl's voice exclaimed through his phone. Boruto felt his smile grow.

"Hey. Can't wait to see you." He responded as he made his way down the street. Sumire giggled.

"Can't wait, either. See you at school."

"See you at school." The phone call ended with a click. Boruto removed his phone from his face and looked at his screen saver. It was a picture of him and Sumire walking on the beach. Sarada had taken the picture after Mitsuki refused. He pocketed the object and ran all the way to school. Sumire was waiting for him.


Second chapter!

Also, side note. Boruto and Sarada take after their parents' personalities so interactions will vary. One second it could be like Sakura and Hinata, or Sasuke and Naruto, or Naruto and Sakura, or Sasuke and Hinata. It all depends. Like in this chapter you got a Sakura vibe from Sarada and a Hinata vibe from Boruto. That goes for every character so don't expect them to always be one way. People are dynamic, not static. They change, plus I love drama.

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