Freshmen Year: Six

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Boruto looked at his phone after he hit send and started to panic. He had five minutes to come up with a lie to help Sarada out. He didn't even know why he agreed to help her in the first place. Ever since that dream he had, he's been second guessing everything.

"Hello, Boruto. Where's Sarada?" Metal Lee asked as he entered the class. Boruto almost dropped his phone.

"She um had to go home."

"For what?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask." Metal Lee raised an eyebrow. As if he knew Boruto was lying. Boruto looked away from the questioning eyes and scanned the room. He noticed that Yurui's seat was empty. Usually this wouldn't have effected him but ever since Sarada started hanging out with him, things have been weird. His eyes glared at the seat wish that Yurui was there at that it was on fire. Metal Lee got the message that he wasn't wanted and left. Sumire took his place with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey! I have a great idea!" Boruto snapped out of his jealous rage and looked at his girlfriend. All the anger left his face and was replaced with a smile. His stomach filled with butterflies.

"Yeah?" He asked as he took her hand in his. She nodded and started to pull him towards her desk where ChouChou was standing. Her purple waves bouncing. 'Her hair's out? That's new.'

"We want to plan a birthday for Sarada since her fifteenth birthday is in a few weeks!" Boruto's smile wavered.

"Sarada?" Sumire smiled wider. Her purple eyes glowing with happiness. Boruto melted. "Okay." ChouChou scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Not only are you an idiot but now you're a lovesick one." Boruto went to protest but snickers from surrounding classmates cut him off. He blushed and looked away. Sumire giggled along with everyone else.

"We'll talk during lunch. Class is about to start."
Sarada stared at her nails, moving her hand back and forth under the light. The matte black not shinning the way she was used to with her mother's nails. Tarui stood behind her with a sinister smile on her face. Good girl Sarada was slowly disappearing. She was becoming one of them.

"I'm living for this whole nail thing!" Sarada exclaimed as they left the nail salon. Then her phone started buzzing. She took it out her jacket and the smile quickly dropped.

"What's up?"

"My mom. Should I answer?" Sarada looked over to Tarui with worry. Tarui was shocked. The Sarada, heir to the Uchiha fortune, the girl who was so smart she corrected teachers was asking for her help.

"Um? I don't know!" Tarui panicked.

"You're no help!" Sarada yelled but she let the phone ring on. When it stopped, they both let out a sigh of relief. Until it rang again. "It's my dad this time!"

"Okay, answer this one. Just act really sweet and he won't get mad. Dad's are stupid." Sarada nodded and answered.

"Sarada. Where are you?"

"I was really tired, so I went home to take a nap. I didn't know I would get in trouble! I'm sorry, papa."
Sarada heard her father let out a sigh. It was a surprised one. She hadn't called him papa, to his face, since she was four.

"It's okay, angel. Just don't scare me like that again."

"Okay, papa." Sarada hung up and smirked at Tarui.

"I didn't think you'd actually..." The blonde clapped slowly and Sarada playfully bowed. There was a glint is Sarada's dark eyes, she was feeling something new. She had no idea what it was but she liked it.

"I'm bored. Let's go do something else." The Uchiha walked off, Tarui in tow.

OMG! It's a chapter. I'm shooketh.

Sooooooooooo... Who's liking the new Sarada? I know I am!

Okay but seriously, I'm not hating in her... She valid. I wonder what trouble she'll get into next time.

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