Sophomore Year: Three

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Wasabi and Namida are two people you would never expect to get caught up with the bad crowd. Wasabi is the captain of all the girls' sports teams, knew how to make anyone laugh, and volunteers daily at the animal clinic. Namida is a shy girl who gets scared easily and tends not to participate in most school activities but she's adorable. Everyone protects her, she's the school sweetheart. If you asked anyone, they would say those two girls could never cause any trouble. They were so wrong.

All good girls become bad girls behind closed doors.
Namida danced around Sarada's room to No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande as it blasted from Sarada's new surround system. She was stumbling a little as she jumped and twirled. Her hair, usually in two ponytails, swayed around her shoulders and back. Wasabi stared at her from the floor, her eyes glued to the girl's body.

"Stop undressing her with your eyes." Sarada said as she watched smoke leave her mouth and float toward her ceiling.

"Ya can't even see me. How'd ya know what I'm doin?" Wasabi slurred slowly. Sarada rolled her eyes and sat up. She reached for the bottle of wine sitting next to the lust-filled girl.

"I'm not stupid that's why..." Wasabi snorted loudly at that as she fell over onto her side. Namida paid them no mind as God Is A Woman began to play. Sarada took a long swig from the bottle and rolled onto her stomach. The joint between her fingers half gone.

"You, you love i' how I move you. You love i' how I touch you, my one. When all is said and done, you'll believe God is a woman." She sang as she walked unsteadily towards her girlfriend who had automatically stopped laughing when they made eye contact. Wasabi sat up. Sarada took another pull while she watched, fascinated, as the sexual tension built.


"I don' wanna waste no time, yeah. You ain' gotta one-track mind, yeah. Have me any way you like, yeah. And I can tell you know I know how I wan' i'." Namida continued while she lowered herself onto Wasabi's lap and straddled her. Wasabi was entranced. A high and drunk Namida was a rebellious and seductive Namida.

"Nami..." She breathed out.

"And I can be all the things you tol' me not to be." The smaller girl raised a hand towards Sarada. "Pass." The Uchiha complied and handed the joint over to the girl. Namida took a long pull, never breaking eye contact from Wasabi. She ran her thumb over Wasabi's lips and parted them. Sarada leaned onto her palm.

"What are you-?" Wasabi cut herself off when Namida leaned in closer.

"When all is said and done, you'll believe God is a woman." Their lips brushed together as Namida sang. The smoke leaving her mouth and entering Wasabi's. Sarada was silent. She's never seen a shotgun done in person before and it was hot. Before anything else happened Sakura yelled over the music from downstairs. All three girls froze.

"Princess? Have you seen my bottle of Georgia Sauvignon Blan?" Sarada looked at the more than half empty bottle in her hand. She chuckles. Namida and Wasabi break eye contact from each other and look cautiously at Sarada. The Uchiha took the gulp and stood from her bed.

"Sarada, wha you aboud tado?" Wasabi asked. Namida nodded her head in agreement to the question but little giggles we're falling past her lips. Sarada grabbed a shoe from her closest and broke the bottle into shards.

"Nothin..." She winked at the other girls and left her room. The couple scrambled off the floor and followed after her. The three of them walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen, Sarada stopping to slip the glass into the recycling bin.

"There you are." Sakura sighed as she looked up from the fridge. "Now the bottle?" Sarada looked at Namida and Wasabi who were shaking in anticipation. Sarada took a deep breath, as if to sober herself.

"You mean this one?" Sakura smiled then frowned when she saw the glass shard laying  her daughter's hand.


"I found it in the recycling. Where it's been for a while." Sarada explained slowly, trying to keep the slur out of her voice and the smile off of her face.

"Why? It wasn't open and it was supposed to be a present for someone." Sakura rubbed her temples and leaned against the counter. Her eyes were squeezed shut. It was clear that she was stressed. "It's okay. I'll just have to buy another one-hundred fifty dollar bottle of wine for someone I don't even like because I'm trying to impress your father's buissness partners, like the good stay at home wife they think I am, while I manage a hospital, raise a hormone fueled teenager and prepare for another child!" Sarada smiled to herself, she was right.

"Another child?" Namida squeaked from her spot behind Sarada. Sakura's eyes snapped open.

"You weren't supposed know that."


"I don't have time for this right now, Sarada. Your friends have to leave and please stay in your room."

"But-" Sakura looked her daughter in the eyes and Sarada shut her mouth. No matter how high or drunk she was, Sarada would never test her mother. Especially when she's stressed. Her mother's anger issues were off the charts.

"I'm going to take a nap. I want this house spotless. We're having guests over tonight."

"You just said to stay in my room! Now I have to clean the house!?" Sarada shrunk back when her mother stepped closer, maybe the alcohol and weed mix was messing with her judgment more than she thought.

"I changed my mind." Sakura left without another word and no room for discussion.


This chapter was eventful and I had no idea what happened or where it went but...

The amount of research I did is astonishing! My internet history is filled with questions about how to write high and drunk characters(there are so many variations), is it safe to mix wine and weed(it's a trend in Cali, apparently), what wines do mom's drink(a lot), can pregnant people drink wine(no), etc.

The next chapter is going to be a continuation of this day, so expect more Sarada rebellion.

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