I'm Sorry

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Trigger warning. This chapter does contain mentions of suicidal behavior, suicidal thoughts, overdosing, and substance abuse.

If you don't want to, you don't have to read. As someone who has triggers, I understand. Go to the second___________ to skip those events.

Sakura jumped out the car before Hinata even had a chance to stop it. She rushed through the crowds and passed the reception desk with a quick flash of her hospital ID. Hinata was close behind but she was stopped by security before she could make it pass the waiting room. Her pale eyes watched as the red jacket disappeared around the corner.

"Just make sure she's okay please?" Hinata said to one of the nurses standing near by. The nurse nodded and told the guard to let go of the Uzumaki before quickly following Sakura. Hinata sighed before going to take a seat.

Sakura moved quickly through the crowds of people frantically looking through doors. Her heart was pounding and there was a high possibility that her breathing could be heard by everyone around her. As rooms went by and with no sign of Sarada, her heart dropped further and further into her stomach. She finally saw her daughter laying on a hospital bed with an IV in her arm. Her already pale was practically paper white and her veins could be seen through it. Her breathing was so shallow that Sakura wasn't even sure if she was breathing. She felt her stomach clench and her eyes started to burn with new, unshed tears.

"My princess." Sakura whispered as she stepped closer to her daughter. She stroked Sarada's hair and took a seat in the chair beside the bed. "You're going to be okay, baby? More than okay." Sakura tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. "Please be okay." Tears trickled down her face as she took her daughter's limp hand into hers.
Sarada sat on Tarui's porch with a joint in her hand. It was her third one since she's been over. Tarui didn't say anything but her eyes never left the Uchiha with a sort of worry you'd never expect from her.

"Hey, S. You good?" The Uchiha nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving their spot from the car's driving by. "You know those are laced, right?" Sarada nodded again, this time taking a long pull before letting the smoke leave through her nose.

" 'ny more questions? Kinda ruinin' my high." Her words were slurred but filled with venom and her eyes were glared even though she was still looking at the road. Tarui didn't say anything but she stared at the other girl. Sarada's hair was laying perfectly across her shoulders and around her face. The moonlight hit at an angle that made her look even more gorgeous than she usually was. The only way you could tell something wasn't right was the way her body was shaking and the blue bags that were forming under her eyes.

"Maybe you should-" Sarada's head shot towards the blonde and her eyes bore into the other girl's soul.

" 'm fine, okay. Why does everyone keep askin, me? What're you gonna do if I say 'm not? What're  gonna do, huh?" Tarui shrunk back in her seat with her mouth shut tightly. "Nothin'. 'xactly. Just like everybody else." Sarada flicked her bud onto the floor and stomped it out. She stood and shoved her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. "No one cares bout me, you're gonna leave me like everyone else. My own dad doesn't love me enough to stay." She let out a deep sigh. "I could probably get hit by a car and die and none of you guys would care. You'd probably just sit there." She started to walk off the porch, each step  harder than the first and her shaking continuously getting worse. Tarui blinked, her brain taking a while to process what had just went down before she shot up and took off after Sarada. She reached for the Uchiha but Sarada fell over. Her body shaking uncontrollably now and drool was coming out her mouth. She was having a seizure.

"S. S!" Tarui took out her phone and dialed 911. "This girl, she fell over and I think she's having a seizure!"
Sarada's head was pounding and her mouth felt drier than the Sahara desert. She opened her mouth to say something but the only thing that came out was a dry cough. She heard feet rush over to her.

"Hey, princess. Can you open your eyes for me?" It was her mom. Sarada shook her head which intensified the headache. "C'mon. You can do it" Sarada complied and was met with a brightness she was so familiar with. A hospital room. She turned her head away from the light and made eye contact with her mother's green eyes. "There she is." Sakura smiled and placed a hand on her daughters face. "Why don't you drink this nice glass of water? You'll feel so much better after." Sarada sat up with the aid of her mother before chugging the water. Her throat felt better and the pounding in her head decreased.

"Why am I here? What happened?" She asked with a confused look to her mother.

"You overdosed, angel." This time it was her father who spoke. He was walking in the room with another bottle of water. He handed it to her and sat on her other side. "We were so scared." Sarada tried to recall what happened but all she got were blurry visions and warbled speaking.

"Overdosed?" She wasn't surprised, just confused. She was always so careful.

"I've noticed you've been a little off lately but I didn't think you were this bad. Hinata found bottles of alcohol in your room and empty baggies hidden under your bed when I asked her to go pack a bag for you last night. Some of them from months ago!" Sarada felt her chest contract at the pain in her mother's voice.

"Mama, I-"

"You could've told me something was wrong. We tell each other everything. And now that I know how bad it is, your father and I have decided that you need a break."

"A break?" She looked at both of them frantically. Her father just nodded with a sad look on his face.

"We're going to be moving in with your father and starting you in therapy. Rehab isn't an option yet and I don't want it to be but it will happen if it needs to. We just want you to be okay, okay?" Sarada felt her world crash all around her but she knew this was for the best. She was tired of being someone she wasn't and maybe this break would be the best for all of them.

"Okay, mama."

"We leave next week. Gives you time to say bye to all your friends and get packed up." Sasuke kissed his daughter's head and took her hand in his. "We're going to be there for you. I'm going to be there for, angel." Sarada felt tears stream down her cheeks and she started sobbing. Her parents reached into hug her. She clutched at them as a mantra of sorrys fell from her mouth uncontrollably.

"We know, princess. We know."


Wasn't that a fun chapter? No? Same. I cried so many times while writing this. One chapter before Junior year starts.

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