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YouTube notification: SagelynHD has posted a new video: "We broke up."

"Hi. My name is SagelynHD and this video is a little different.

Most of you know by now that my videos are normally silly, with my friends and I fucking around in a video game or embarrassing ourselves in public. Today's video is more serious.

As you probably know, Simon and I were in a relationship for about a year.

And as you can tell by the title, we are no longer together.

I texted Simon and asked his permission to post this video, just out of respect. I only decided to do this video, because I know Simon won't do one. Not because he's scared, or anything, but because he doesn't want something so negative on his channel.

I don't want to speak for him, but Simon aims for his channels to be based on happy videos. The entire reason for his channel to him is to make people happier than they were and to brighten any bad day they may be having.

If anyone came onto this video expecting me to bash Simon, you're bound to be disappointed. I loved, and still love Simon with all my heart. I wish we could've stayed together without it completely destroying our hearts and minds, but at this point in our lives, we can't.

Simon and I were not unhappy, and I don't want people to think that we were. It wasn't because we were unhappy with each other, or because we were unhappy with our relationship. We had so much love for each other, and we were so happy with each other. I think you guys will understand why it happened once I'm done explaining it.

I've been trying to make this video for weeks. I gave myself a few months to just take the time to make sense of it all before I tried to explain everything to you. I didn't want to give you an explanation when I couldn't even make one for myself. But now I've gathered my thoughts, and I've wrote down points I want to make."

"Simon and I found each other by accident. We spent about nine months together, and there was a lot of love between us. A lot of it that you didn't get to see, but there was. I promise.

My father passed away a few months ago, and not only Simon, but also the rest of the Sidemen, were there and kept me on my feet. I don't want this video, in any way, to be viewed as me trying to bash Simon or the Sidemen as a whole. I love all of them, and I still talk to all of them on a daily. I respect those boys so much, and I appreciate every single thing they've ever done for me.

The break up started when I moved away from London and back to the U.S. I knew this would more than likely cause problems, but I figured we could get through it. I never meant for my move to completely tear us apart.

Being so far away is super hard. Neither of us want to move closer, but neither of us want to be this far. We fought a lot, about dumb things because we were frustrated with the fact that we couldn't be together as often as we were. We went from seeing each other every day and night to seeing each other a few times a week over Skype. It was too drastic of a change for us to endure.

Our breakup went on for a few months, which is why I said we were in a relationship for a year, but together for about 9 months. The last few months were pretty much just fights and knowing we couldn't work it out.

I plan on moving back to London within the next year, but I don't think Simon will want to be with me again.

Please don't get us wrong, we were in love. We had a lot of love in our hearts for each other, but we couldn't stay in a relationship that would tear not only our hearts, but our minds apart as well."

"So, here's a small message to Simon, if he is watching. Hi, Si. We haven't talked in a while, but that hasn't changed anything for me. I want to thank you for everything, even if it didn't work out. I appreciate every moment we have had together and everything you have taught me in the last year and a few months that we have known each other."

"Thank you for introducing me to some of my best friends that I have. Thank you for giving me such an intense feeling of life. I will always appreciate our moments together and the people you brought into my life. Thank you, I love you."

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