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Sage had noticed Sophie wasn't in the room with them, looking around for her

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Sage had noticed Sophie wasn't in the room with them, looking around for her. "Auntie!" She heard, spinning around to see Ryker running towards her with his mom by his side.

She smiled brightly, bending down to catch his hug. She stood back up, holding him in her arms when she noticed Simon walking over with his family. "Uncle Si?"

Sagelyn and Simon made eye contact, and they smiled lightly at each other as Simon took him into his arms. "Hey, bud." He said softly before one hand was on Sage's waist. "Sage, this is my mum and dad. Mum, dad, this is Sage."

They exchanged kind smiles and words, Simon smiling lightly at the interactions. "Simon's told us quite a bit about you." His mum spoke up, and Sagelyn smiled as she looked up to the taller of the two.

"Good things, I'd hope?" His dimple showed as he held eye contact with her. She felt his hand fall on her hip and he replied.

She kissed his cheek lightly after he responded. "Always, love." His grin remained as the boys gathered back into the room.

"Sagey, you alright?" Josh asked, hugging her lightly. She nodded, accepting the hug quickly.

"Can't have our star player hurt." Ethan spoke up as he hugged her lightly as well. Then Will walked in with sad eyes, walking towards her.

She looked up at him, seeing him look down at her ankle. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She noticed how genuinely upset he looked and shook her head.

She pulled him into a tight hug. "It's okay. You were just trying to play the game." She told him, watching him breathe out in relief. "I get that you didn't mean to, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it." He smiled lightly. "Now cheer up, and go celebrate. Congratulations."

"Thanks, Sage." He smiled, and she nodded, patting his back before he ran off to find his team.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now