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They got out of the car, Simon's hand coming to lay on the bottom of Sagelyn's back

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They got out of the car, Simon's hand coming to lay on the bottom of Sagelyn's back. He walked next to her, locking his car behind them. As soon as they were in her apartment door, he had her pushed against it.

She gasped as his lips fell on her's in a needy kiss. He put his hands under her thighs, signaling her to jump. She did so, her arms around his neck.

He walked towards her bedroom door, their lips still attached. She reached up behind him as they walked into the room, her hand running against the top of the door before she slammed it closed behind them.

He set her down, her hands running down his chest as he kissed down her jaw to her neck. He began leaving love bites, hearing her whine lightly as she started to unbutton his black top.

She pushed it off his shoulders, his hands leaving her waist to pull it off. His hands slid to her back, pulling the top of the two piece dress over her head. His lips were now on her collarbone, her head against the door as she moaned quietly.

He noticed her getting impatient as she reached for his jeans, unbuttoning them quickly. "Someone's getting a little impatient." He whispered into her ear, nibbling it lightly.

"Just shut up and kiss me." Simon smirked, feeling her hands come to his neck to push his lips against her's. Their lips moved together quickly as he stripped of his jeans.

His hands found their way to her hips, sliding lightly under her skirt. "Get it off, Si." She whispered against his lips, feeling his large hands slide the skirt down her legs.

After a few moments, he was hovering over her body as they kissed on her bed. Simon had already completely stripped Sagelyn.

Reaching for Simon's boxer briefs, Sagelyn ran her hands down his stomach. She slid them down, feeling him kick them off at the end of the bed. He gasped against her lips as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, beginning to pump slowly.

Soon, she was tugging on his hair as his tongue explored between her legs. "Holy shit- Simon~" She moaned loudly, causing Simon to smirk. "Don't stop." She whispered breathlessly, moaning as he entered a finger into her as he continued.

She was tugging his hair tightly, causing him to groan. He pulled away, hearing her whine before he kissed her lips lightly. She kissed back, biting his bottom lip lightly before she was straddling his waist.

His hands rested on her ass as she lowered herself onto his member, a moan leaving her lips as soon as she did so. "Jesus Christ, babe," Simon mumbled, gripping her hips tightly.

She began bouncing, his hands gripping her hips tightly as she did so. He watched her in admiration. Her mouth was parted slightly, her eyebrows furrowed, and her hair was bouncing against her shoulders. He could've sworn he almost came when she let out a soft moan.

Sagelyn sped up, feeling Simon's hands rest under her ass. He lifted her slightly, pushing into her at a steady pace. She moaned, throwing her head back as she dug her nails into his arm. "Oh, my god, Simon-"

He smirked, groaning lightly as she drug her nails down his bicep. "Fuck-," He mumbled, his grip on Sagelyn tightening as he let multiple groans and curse words fall from his lips. "Holy shit- babe-"

He watched Sagelyn throw her head back, her hair sticking to her shoulders as she let out a loud moan. "Simon, s-so close-" She whimpered and he nodded lightly, flipping them so she was laying under him.

"Me too, sage," He groaned, before they both reached their climax, Sagelyn's moans of Simon's name filling the room. "Holy shit, babe," Simon mumbled after they had rode out their highs.

Sagelyn laid under him now, her thighs still trembling around his waist. "Are you okay?" Simon asked, caressing her cheek lightly. She nodded softly, her eyes fluttering open. "Good?" He whispered, kissing her forehead lightly.

"Good." She whispered back, and he laid beside her, wrapping her in his arms before they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now