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Upload was stressful, but so worth it to Simon and Sagelyn. They got to meet loads of their fans, and see so many of their friends they don't always get to see.

"Sage, baby.." Simon whispered, hovering over her as he kissed her cheek before making his way to her jaw and down her neck. He heard her hum sleepily, her eyes fluttering open. "Morning, love."

"Good morning, Si." She whispered, making a quiet whimper as he bit into the bottom of her collarbone. "Maybe I'll sleep in more often." She joked, feeling him smirk against her neck.

"Get up, we have upload today." Simon told her, kissing her nose before standing and walking towards the bathroom. "I'm showering."

Sagelyn stood up, pulling her shirt off as she followed him into the ensuite. "Joining me, yeah?" She nodded, pulling off her shorts before stepping into the shower with him.


"Freya!" Sagelyn called, standing in an outfit. "Josh, send me your girlfriend! I need her to tell me I look hot!"

@SagelynHD: what do y'all think? poll below ❤️

@SagelynHD: what do y'all think? poll below ❤️

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Freya walked in, whistling when she saw Sage. "Hot damn! I love that outfit." Sage nodded, nervous for reasons she didn't know. "Are got nervous to meet so many people?" Sage asked Freya, who nodded lightly.

"Yeah, but I'm sure we'll be fine. We're standing in the lines next to the boys anyway so some people won't wanna meet us, and that's okay, but Josh and Simon won't let anything happen to us."

"Yeah you're right." Sage thanked her for her reassurance before watching her leave the room.

@miniminter: Sagelyn is finishing her makeup and then we're on our way! See you guys at the meet and greet!

@miniminter: Also, we wanted it to be a surprise but all the girlfriends will have their own meet and greet queue (Sage, Gee, Emily, Sarah, Freya)! The queue for the girlfriend will be next to their boyfriend's queue ( Sage's by mine, Freya's by Josh, etc.)

@miniminter: We can't wait to meet you guys!! (Also please be gentle with Sagelyn. She gets nervous really easily & I don't want to watch the love of my life have a panic attack. Thank you)

Sagelyn and Simon stood in front of Simon's designed paper wall behind them, waiting for people to file into the queues. The doors opened, and each queue began to fill. They waited a few minutes before he security told them to start the meet and greet.

"Be careful. I love you." Simon told Sage, who rolled her eyes.

He smiled lightly as she teased him. "I'm only 5 feet away." Her hand rested on the back of his neck, pulling him down to connect their lips softly. She pulled away, kissing his jaw before walking away. "I love you too, Si."


"Hi! How are you?" Sagelyn smiled, hugging the shorter teenage girl. "You look amazing, babe!" The girl smiled brightly, tears falling down her cheeks. "Don't cry, Josie!"

"You know my name?" Sagelyn smiled, nodding. "Oh my god, I didn't realized you noticed people's twitter handles."

"Of course I do! I'll follow you right now, one second." Josie checked her phone, seeing the notification before they got a quick photo and Sagelyn filmed a short video message for one of her friends. "Thank you so much, Sage."

They hugged once more. "I love you so much. Do you think you could pass these presents on in case I don't meet anyone else today?" Sage smiled, nodding as she took the books, and laid them in a box carefully.

"I'll be sure they get to everyone." She reassured the teenager, telling her a sad goodbye before moving on to the next fan. "Hello! How are you?"

"Hi! Do you think for our photo we could get Simon in it too?" Sagelyn looked over, seeing Simon finishing up with a fan.

"One second." Sagelyn walked over to him, leaning up to whisper in his ear. "Can I borrow you for a second after this fan?" She asked quietly, seeing Simon nod before noticing the fan in front of him freaking out about Sage being there. "Hi!"

The fan gave Sage a hug, and handed her a gift before they all three got a photo together. The fan walked away after goodbye and Sage waved the fan from her queue over. "Simon, this is Faye."

"Hey." Simon hugged her, a small smile on his face. "I'm guessing you wanted a photo with both of us?" The two girls nodded, and the teenager stood between the couple, smiling as the flash took. "Thank you." Simon told her as she handed him a gift.

"Thank you Sage." The girl thanked her quietly. "That meant the world to me."

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