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Sage walked into the party, seeing Simon standing across from another girl

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Sage walked into the party, seeing Simon standing across from another girl. They were having polite conversation, but she could tell the girl was into Simon. "Hey, Si." She mumbled, the jealousy growing inside the pit of her stomach.

He held a finger up as he finished his conversation with the girl. Sagelyn's smile faltered as she watched him speak to the other girl in a civilized manner. She took the time to look around, seeing the rest of the boys she knew oh so well around the party. She smiled, quickly gaining herself back as Josh walked up to her, forcing her to be social.

It's not that she didn't want to be social, she did, but she was so jealous that other girls - who clearly liked Simon in a romantic way - were getting more of his attention right now. She walked away from Simon for a minute, seeing him glance over as she walked from him to see and talk to some of the other boys.

She smiled at Jide, hugging him lightly before seeing Simon walk up to her after saying goodbye to the other girl. "Hi, baby." She nodded, her smiled faltering for a minute. "Why didn't you wait up?" He asked in curiosity.

"I don't know, sorry." Simon sighed, his hand resting on her back lightly. "I didn't want to stand there and longer, and I spotted the boys so i figured you wouldn't mind me walking away. Sorry, I guess. " He nodded, slightly confused why she was so weird all of the sudden. "Who was she anyway?"

"I-Oh-Um-Well... That was my ex-girlfriend, Ella." Sagelyn's eyes widened.

They stepped away from the group quickly, seeing Josh glance over. "Sorry, didn't realize you two were so buddy-buddy." She snapped before realizing what she had said. "Sorry."

She knew it was wrong to be so jealous, but she couldn't help it. Ella was so pretty, and Simon seemed so into the polite conversation. I mean, he really didn't even hold up a conversation with his best friends if it meant he had to keep Sage waiting, but here he was, holding up her time to talk to his ex-girlfriend.

"Wait, sage. Come here." He talked calmly, pulling her away from the crowd and up the steps to his room. "Are you jealous?" She shrugged, shaking her head.

"She's so pretty." She mumbled and he nodded before shrugging.

He sat on his bed, smiling lightly. "Sure, babe. But, have you seen yourself? You have beautiful eyes, and the most amazing smile. Your personality is actually astonishing - which, by the way, her's isn't anything like. I love everything about you."

He made his way to her, kissing her lips softly. "I love you." She whispered lightly, removing her lips from his before placing them back together.

Their lips moved together until Simon was pulling her to the bed, her body straddling his that sat at the edge of the bed. Their lips fell apart as he traced kisses down her jaw before dragging them towards her collarbone.

He bit down lightly before blowing lightly on it, causing her to shudder. Sagelyn reached to grab the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head before throwing it to the floor. "I'm sorry." She whispered, and he nodded lightly, picking her up and laying her on her back under him. "You deserve so much better." She mumbled, feeling him stop.

"Sagelyn Rose Beckham-" He kissed her lips. "I love you with all my heart." He kissed her cheek. "You're the most perfect girl I've ever met." He kissed her jaw. "You make me happier than you'll ever know." He kissed her neck lightly. "You're my dream girl." He kissed her collarbone. "I want to grow up and marry you." He kissed the dip between her breasts. "I want to help you raise my children." He kissed across her ribs. "I'm going to love you for the rest of my life." He kissed over her left hip bone.

"I love you now." He kissed her ribs once more. "I'll love you tomorrow." He kissed the dip between her breasts. "I'll love you in a year." He kissed her collarbone. "I'll love you 5 years from now." He kissed her neck lightly. "I'll love you 10 years from now." He kissed her jaw. "I'll love you until I die." He kissed her cheek. "I love you now, and I'll love you forever." He kissed her lips.

Her mouth curled into a smile into the kiss, pulling him closer as her hands went around his neck and his fingers curled into his hair. "I love you, Simon. So, so much." She whispered, feeling him smile against her lips before pulling her closer to him.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now