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The whole thing with Bella had finally died down, but the fans of MiniHD were pissed with her

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The whole thing with Bella had finally died down, but the fans of MiniHD were pissed with her. They would constantly be tweeting at her, and they were thankful it had finally quit.

"Sagelyn?" Simon called from upstairs. "Do you know where my boots are?" She grabbed them from the bottom step, running up them after. "Thanks, love."

She nodded, watching as he pulled on a shirt. "No problem, Si." He smiled lightly, kissing her forehead before he walked back down the steps. "Are you going to play with the boys?"

"Yeah." He called, seeing her appear in the doorway, "You're welcome to join." He reminded her. She nodded, shrugging lightly.

Jumping up, she sat on the island counter, watching from it as he gathered his things for football. "You look like a kid getting ready for his first game." She giggled, and he smirked when he saw her phone pointed at him.

"You little shit head," He started, hearing the video play seconds later. He stood between her legs, his hands laying on her sides. "I love you." He whispered, kissing her forehead lightly.

She smiled, intertwining one of their hands as she kissed him lightly. "I love you, too."

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now