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Simon and the boys sat on the plane, on their way to LA

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Simon and the boys sat on the plane, on their way to LA. The rest of the boys had noticed Simon's random mood swings, and how upset he was since Sagelyn left.

Sagelyn had stopped texting him. Not that she didn't want to talk to him, she was just so busy recently. She had been doing photo shoots, meetings, and trying to find a flat in London. She was also trying to write a book, and post 3 videos a day every day.

"Do you think you'll see Sage this trip?" Simon shrugged at Josh (chip). He wished he knew whether or not he'd see her, but he didn't.


They didn't see each other the first few days but one day, randomly, Sage texted him. It was while he was at a party they were throwing.

It was a screenshot of a tweet from a fan, with a message connected.

@mintertings: @SagelynHD can you confirm whether simon and bella thorne are dating?
sagelyn: hello good sir, your fans are going insane form cal's story, so i was asked to confirm
simon: lmao i honestly don't know why she's here
simon: also i don't know why you aren't here?
sagelyn: never got an invite
simon: cal said he sent you one
sagelyn: he literally said "party tonight."
simon: what a sket
simon: you're welcome to come
sagelyn: i was hoping so. address?


Half an hour later, Sagelyn was at the house. She looked stunning, he decided when he saw her talking to Cal. They made eye contact, her mouth converting to a large smile. "Hi, Simon." She told him, walking to his side.

"Hi, love." He responded as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. He smiled, his dimple showing across it.

"You look amazing." She told him, seeing him look her up and down.

"You look stunning, Sagelyn." She smiled brightly, and he couldn't help but lean down to press his lips against her's.

The night was filled with drinks and fun. Sagelyn couldn't help but notice the way Bella was glaring at her from across the room for most of the night, but she ignored it. Simon had his phone out, and she smiled. "Can I post about you on twitter?"

Sage shrugged, nodding lightly. She heard her phone ding, pulling it out of her pocket.

@miniminter: look who showed up to the party ! @sagelynHD

@miniminter: look who showed up to the party ! @sagelynHD

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@sagelynHD: @miniminter I watched you tweet this. Also: lookin 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The fans were going crazy, now tweeting them multiple times each to try to get answers

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The fans were going crazy, now tweeting them multiple times each to try to get answers. Simon kissed her forehead, seeing her smile.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now