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Sagelyn had pulled on her white lingerie set with a button up of Simon's unbuttoned over it. She pulled her hair out of her messy bun and brushed the small waves out, leaving it down for Simon.

The next five minutes felt like an hour, waiting for him to get there. She leaned against the kitchen island when she heard a key enter the doorknob.

The tall blonde stepped in, kicking his shoes off and throwing his keys on the table beside the door before shutting it behind him. He turned around, noticing the girl against the counter. "Woah."

She smiled lightly, looking to the floor. Before his hand fell to her jaw, they ran up  her sides. One held her hip as the other lifted her chin. Their eye contact held as he leaned in to kiss her.

"You look stunning." He tells her against her lips. She pushes her lips against his again, this time in a passionate kiss. "I love you."

She smiles, his hands laying against her  hips. She feels him pull out of the kiss before nibbling down her neck. He bites into her collarbone, hearing her breath catch.

Sagelyn feels his lips trace up her neck and across her jaw once again before his lips are molding against her's. The kiss is rougher this time, and she moans into it when he bites her bottom lip lightly.

His large hands come up to wrap around the material of the white button down before pulling it off of her, kissing down her shoulder in the process.

Simon's hands run down her hips to the back of her thighs, lifting her up to sit against the top of the counter behind her. His hands ran up and down her thighs as he stood between them, his lips attaching to her neck.

He groaned as she placed her hand against his pants, palming him. Sagelyn's hand continued to roam into his pants, pushing into them to slowly wrap her hands around his cock. He bit into her neck, hearing her moan as she continued to pump her hand around him.

He groaned before moving her hand away, pushing her back to lay against the counter. He admired her lingerie for a minute before pulling the bottoms off her. "Fucking hell," Sagelyn moaned as his tongue swirled against her core.

His tongue explored her as she moaned loudly, hands in his hair. "Fu-fuck~" she moaned as he entered two fingers into her entrance. She bucked her hips slightly as he began thrusting them in the same rhythm of his tongue. "Don't stop," She moaned quietly.

He pulled away, hearing her whine in response. He reached up, pulling the top of her lingerie set off before connecting their lips once again as she sat up.

She pulled his shirt off in a swift motion before working on his pants. He pulled them off for her, throwing them nearby.


(Got bored and couldn't finish this so here sorry lol)

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now