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Simon woke up, checking his phone

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Simon woke up, checking his phone. He looked over, seeing Sagelyn was gone. Sighing, he stood up, pulling on some clothes before walking towards the bathroom.

Opening the door, he saw Sagelyn brushing her wet hair. "Morning, Simon." She told him, feeling his hands wrap around her waist and his chin rest on her shoulder. "You're cute when you're sleepy."

Simon smiled, kissing the back of her head. "Simon, mate!" His eyebrows furrowed when he heard Callum yell for him. "Dude, have you guys checked twitter? Or literally any social media."

They both shook their heads. "Bella made a Twitter post about you. She included photos." Josh told them, seeing their eyes flick to each other's in worry.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Simon mumbled as he grabbed his phone, scrolling through Twitter. "Why the fuck did she think this was okay?" He asked, seeing them shrug.

Sagelyn grabbed his phone from his hands, looking at the pictures quickly. "Holy shit." She whispered, looking over at Simon. He nodded, biting his lip lightly.

Josh and Cal left the room, leaving the two alone. "Do you have her number?" Sage asked, seeing Simon hesitantly nod. "Can I have it?"

He gave it to her, seeing her type a text out to Bella

Messages between Bella and Sagelyn

Sagelyn: hey, this is sage. whyd you tweet those pics?

Bella: bc i had simon wrapped around my finger and then you came in and you stole him

Sagelyn: lmao i have a lot more history than you do with him. fuck off

@SagelynHD: I love the sidemen, youtube, and my fans. What I hate, is our privacy being taken away from us.

@Miniminter: @SagelynHD sorry I got you in this mess.

@SagelynHD: @miniminter we're in this together. xx

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