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*** smut ahead ***

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*** smut ahead ***

Simon sat on the couch at the sidemen house, the party surrounding him. He still hadn't seen the one person he was here for.

He looked around, spotting the brunette walk in. She was in a tight crop top and skirt combo, and it hugged her curves perfectly. He was already a few ciders in, and although he wasn't quite tipsy yet, he could definitely feel a buzz kicking in.

The tall male watched as someone shoved a shot into her hand, and she laughed before throwing it back, taking a sip of the Gatorade in Josh's grip seconds later. He chuckled, knowing she was somewhat of a lightweight and even that one shot was going to give her the slightest buzz.

Standing up, Simon walked towards the group talking, standing in between Freezy and JJ. "Simon, man!" Freezy called, slapping his back. "Shots?" He asked, before everyone in the circle was cheering for Simon to take a shot.

Sagelyn stood up, grabbing two shot glasses and pouring the liquor to the top. She handed one over, hearing the boys cheer them on as they hit the rims of their cups together lightly and gulped down the strong liquid in sync.

Sage had thrown back at least four shots, along with a cider or two. Most of the shots had been taken with Simon, but Simon had also taken a few with the boys. To say the least, they were definitely feeling it.

He noticed the girl standing against the wall, a sudden boost of confidence convincing him to walk up to her. "Hey." He told her, having to yell over the music. "How're you feeling?"

"Amazing." She smiled, looking up at him. "Do you want another cider?" She asked, hurrying to grab them as he nodded. He laughed as she tripped in her heels before kicking them off beside the counter, returning with the cans. "Here, Si."

"Thanks." He mumbled, popping the tab before gulping down a fourth of the can quickly. They stood beside each other as they both gulped down their last drinks of the night. He looked down, seeing her eyes already staring up at him. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." She told him, noticing him drop the empty can onto the floor and following the action. "Can you-" She fumbled over her words, glancing between his eyes and lips, licking her's. "Kiss me."

His lips curled into a light smile before he was standing closer to her, his hand traveling to her hip. She could feel his hot breath on her lips, and in that moment she knew if she was sober she wouldn't be doing this but she didn't give a fuck.

Their eyes flickered from the other's to their lips. Simon instinctively licked his, feeling her hand travel up his chest to the back of his neck. "Kiss me." She repeated lightly, her eyes fluttering shut as Simon's lips molded against her own.

The kiss was soft and slow for a few minutes before Sage began to push her body against his and pull him closer. "I missed you so much." She mumbled against his lips as he pressed her to the wall, her hands finding the hair on the nape of his neck.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now