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—Messages between Simon Minter and Sagelyn Beckham—

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Messages between Simon Minter and Sagelyn Beckham

Simon Minter: question
Sagelyn Beckham: yes?
Simon Minter: what are you currently doing
Sagelyn Beckham: sitting and watching a video
Simon Minter: can you come over
Sagelyn Beckham: why?
Simon Minter: i wanna talk and at least try to work this out somehow
Sagelyn Beckham: let me try to look presentable. be there in an hour
Simon Minter: see you then.

That was the longest hour of Simon's life. He was sitting around and stressing himself out. He at one point cried, causing one of the boys to hear him. "Simon?" Josh asked, seeing the taller male sat on his bed with his head in his hands.

"Hey." He whispered before lifting his head and trying to hide the tears. "What's up?"

"What's wrong?" Josh asked, eyes meeting Simon's. "Sage?"

Simon nodded, scooting over on the bed for josh to sit down.

Sage knocked on the front door of the sidemen house, seeing Vik as he opened the front door. "Hey, Sage! It's good to see you." He told her as they exchanged a hug.

"You too, Vik. How are you and Kay?" She asked, seeing him smile. "Good then, I'm guessing." She teased, watching as he rolled his eyes and walked away.

Sage walked up the steps, making her way to his room. She stopped outside the door, hearing Josh and Simon talking.

"I don't know, Josh. What do I do?" Simon whispered, and she could tell he was stressing out. "I can't get her out of my head. It's impossible for me to do anything without thinking about her."

Josh looked over at him. "Do you still love her?" Josh asked softly.

"I used to doubt it, but yes. I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He told him, Josh smiling at him. "I love everything about her."

"Talk to her." Josh told him, standing up. Sage walked back down a few of the steps before walking back towards his room, reaching the top step as josh walked out. "Hey, S."

Sagelyn smiled as he hugged her tightly, placing a light kiss on the top of her head. "Hi, Zerk." She told him, seeing him smile lightly before nodding towards Simon's room. "I heard." She whispered.

"I know." He whispered back, winking before walking to his room.

Sage walked into Simon's room, seeing him sitting on his bed. "Hey, Si." She whispered, seeing him look up.

"Hi," He whispered, looking at her. She looked stunning, her straight hair framing her face perfectly. Her makeup looked amazing on her, and her outfit fit her frame stunningly. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you." She answered, cheeks a light pink color now. "We need to talk." She told him as she closed his door lightly.

He nodded, patting the bed beside him. She kicked her shoes off, sitting beside him. "Do you want to be together?" He asked, hurt lacing his voice. "Do you miss me?" He whispered.

"I miss you, Simon. I do." She started, seeing him sigh. "But I'm still living in LA, and that didn't work out well last time." She told him, hearing him quietly agree.

Simon looked up. "When's your lease in LA over?" He asked, eyes lighting up with an idea.

"A month from now." She told him, checking her phone to confirm. "Why?"

He smiled lightly. "You're staying another week, right?" She nodded. "I'm flying to LA for two weeks next week, which means that'll be three weeks we could see each other. Then you can move back to London, since you mentioned you wanted to move back."

"We'll try to work it out, okay? She asked, seeing him nod. "Let's just feel it out for now." She whispered, smiling as she saw his dimple appear.

She pressed her lips against his, sensing the love radiating off of them both. "I still love you, too." She whispered, seeing his eyes brows furrow before a large smile played on his lips.

His lips pressed against her's again, and the night ended with love radiating off their bare bodies.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now