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The boxing match was tonight, and Simon and Sagelyn were freaking out. Sagelyn was mainly freaking out because of her outfit, and Simon was freaking out because he didn't want to see JJ get hit.

Freya stepped into her room, seeing the dress and noticing the slight bump that Sagelyn's hands were on. "Babes, you can't tell at all if you put a jacket over it." Sage nodded, sighing and pulling a black suede jacket over it.

Simon kissed her temple as he walked into the room, smiling at Freya as Sage pulled her bag over her shoulder and sat down to put her heels on. Simon watched her closely as she pulled them on, standing soon after. "Ready?" He asked, seeing her nod.

They were soon on their way to the match with anxiety rushing through them. "Simon?" She asked, seeing him glance over. "After the match, do you think I could lay low? No videos." He nodded, asking why quietly.

"I'm just scared, because the baby can feel everything I can, and I don't want to stress them out." She told him, seeing him smile lightly. "I can still be in your videos, at least until my bump starts to show, and you can still make videos. I just feel like it'll be beneficial for me not to." He nodded, kissing her knuckles as they pulled up to the venue.

"You can do whatever you want, baby. I'll support you through it all." She smiled brightly as he got out, rushing to help her out of the car. He held her hand, walking into the arena with the rest of their friends after wishing JJ good luck. "You look gorgeous, by the way." He kissed her forehead, seeing her blush.

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now