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When Sagelyn managed to escape Simon's arms in the morning, she quietly walked down the steps

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When Sagelyn managed to escape Simon's arms in the morning, she quietly walked down the steps.

She walked into the kitchen, seeing Josh sat at the island with Freya. "Morning, S." She smiled at him, nodding lightly before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Where's the Advil?" Josh chuckled at her American use of words before pointing at the cabinet beside her. "Gotta try to get Simon to be the slightest bit productive today." She chuckled, seeing Josh smile lightly.

"You're a lot better for him than her, by the way." She heard Freya speak up, spinning around to look at her after shutting the cabinet. "I heard you guys fighting before you went upstairs last night."

Josh nodded, looking over at Sage. "It's true, she used to treat him like shit." Sagelyn smiled, thanking them for their kind words before excusing herself to take Simon some paracetamol.

When she walked past the living room, she almost ran into Simon. He smiled down at her as she handed him the pills and water.

"Morning, princess." Sagelyn smiled at the pet name, looking at her sleepy boyfriend.

"Morning," She leaned up, seeing him rub his eyes before reaching for her as she kissed his cheek. Sagelyn felt his lips lay against her forehead as she stood flat footed once again. "I love you."

Simon smiled, kissing her forehead. "I love you more."

3:18 // s. minterWhere stories live. Discover now