Part 5

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The next day, Ishita was in the kitchen busy helping her maid to prepare breakfast. After a while,  everybody was sitting on their chair around the table. Ishita gave them their breakfast and had hers. In the meantime, she asked Aliya whether she can accompany her at ruhaan's place. But unfortunately, aliya told her No because ruhaan has an important meeting today. And after yesterday incident, her manager call the client home. Ishita told her

"But aliya, yesterday itself he was sick, he has recovered a bit. How can the manager expect him to be well for meeting his client. Don't they take care of him. "

Aliya replied "yes amma, but it is their decision and I can't go against it right. But don't worry, in the evening I will make you meet him"

Ishita then agreed, however she did not expect the fact that they wil make an ill little boy work. But she was no one to interfere.

*at ruhaan appartment*
Ruhaan was in his room, sitting in front of her mirror. He removed his wig and here comes a beautiful girl with long hair. She admired herself and thought that if ishita bhalla did not abondon me with niddhi, i would not have to hide my own identity from the world. I would have been known as Ruhi bhalla. She was almost in tears.
Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door, she did not get enough time to put her wig again as Niddhi came inside. She was shocked to see ruhi with her long hair. She became angry. She asked her what was she doing and why she removed her wig. Ruhi started to panick and she replied that she wanted to see how she looked with her hair loosen and it has been a long time since she saw herself like this. Niddhi was angry with her for wanting to look herself. So niddhi asked her again, and this time, ruhi replied with a little more confidence and rudeness. Niddhi was puzzled to see her behaving like this. In fact, ruhi seeing her ishima gave a little more courage to survive. Niddhi quickly brought her hunter. Seeing the hunter, she remembered the pain which she last got and all the time where she was tortured. Niddhi raised her hand and was going to hit her when ruhi started to behave like ruhaan again and started pleading her.

At the same time came Aliya, aliya was going towards ruhaan's room when suddenly she heard ruhaan screaming. She was scared and quietly went near his room and there she was shocked.

'Oh my God' said Aliya.

Aliya was shocked to see ruhaan being tortured. She stood there, tears in her eyes and saw how ruhaan was beaten. Ruhaan was pleading mercilessly. Aliya wanted to save him but she thought she may just ameliorate the case. So she said that she will have to help ruhaan. Suddenly she was out from her thought when she heard niddhi telling ruhaan to be prepared in one hour for the meeting and asked her to always smile. She also heard niddhi saying if ruhaan behaved badly again, she will have to use the hunter harder this time. Aliya was already shivering. She quickly rushed downstairs the apartment and called niddhi to inform her that she will not be able to come as she has to attend an importan function. Niddhi agreed to give her a leave. While talking to niddhi, aliya was in a kind of fear.

So she quickly went home. Once reaching there, she rushed to her room where she changed herself. After some time, ishita was passing near room when suddenly she noticed that aliya was already here. She entered the room but she found aliya in deep thoughts. She called her twice but she did not respond and at last she went and shook her. That is when aliya saw her amma. Ishita asked her why was she thinking but aliya did not want to tell her about ruhaan, so she replied nothing. Ishita knew that aliya behaves like this only when she has to hide something. She asked her why did she come early and asked whether she could meet ruhaan or not. When aliya heard the name ruhaan, she was afraid. She started to panick and try to tell ishita no. But ishita already knew that something is not right. So ishita asked her whether ruhaan was fine or not. Aliya wanted to tell her but she did not know how will she react. At last, ishita made aliya swear on her. Aliya was forced to tell her the truth. So she explained everything that she saw. Ishita was shocked and was angry with the manager. Ishita wanted to meet ruhaan right now. But aliya refused to take her now. Aliya told her that she will have to go when the manager is not home. At 7. 00 p.m, she used to be away from her house, so i will call ruhaan first.

Ishita then agreed. Ishita was still in reflexion, she was thinking how can people still do this. She was deep sad inside her heart. Every time she sees ruhaan, she thinks she has a special connection with him.

Aliya phoned ruhaan and informed him that she was coming at 7. 30. Ruhaan agreed. After an hour, aliya and ishita made their way to the apartment. There they entered and knocked the door. Nupur opened the door nd told them that she will inform ruhaan. After some time, ruhaan came and was shocked to see ishita along with aliya. She thought why did that woman come. After the day she saw ishita, it was today that she was calm. He greeted them and was staring at ishita. Ishita came towards him and asked him whether he was fine. He wanted to cry but then he became courageous and replied that i am now fine.

Ishita then quietly told him about what aliya saw today. Ruhaan was extremely shocked. He did not know how to react and continue staring at ishita. Ishita told him not to be afraid and can tell the police. Ruhaan then started behaving badly and asked ishita not to interfere in her matters. Ishita tried to reason with him but it was of no use. 

Ruhaan then said that my manager is my mom. She took great care of me. And every mother has the right to beat their child. She has beaten me because i behaved badly that day. Ishita knew that ruhaan is trying to take his mother side and let him talk. At last, ishita was fed up with his talks. Ishita told him that she will be there to help him whenever he wants.

While talking to ishita, ruhaan was deep sad inside for talking like this. She wanted to hug her ishima once, to tell her how she missed her and to be scolded once by her. But she could not. Ruhaan thought that ishita does not love her. And now, she also thought that ishita married mani and aliya is their child.After some time, ishita and aliya made their way home. There ishita was sad for ruhaan.

**At the hotel**
Raman was helping shagun and pihu to pack their belongings. Shagun and pihu were returning to India and raman would be coming in two days. Pihu wanted to stay back and she could not. Shagun also wanted to stay for a few more days as she had a work to do. But both of them were forced to return because of raman.
Flashback shows...
When pihu was stuck in the lift. It was ishita who saved her. The door of the lift was a bit opened and pihu saw ishita. She remembered ishita as she saw her picture at the Iyers house. So she quickly went to Shagun mama. Mama, i saw halwari aunty. Shagun was confused, it was then pihu explained that she saw the picture of the same woman at Iyers house. Shagun immediately knew that she was talking about ishita and tried to search her thorough the hotel.
End of Flashback shows.
Raman saw the card of the businessman and saw Abhimanyu Raghav. He immediately knew it was Mani. So he cancelled his offer. Also he was informed that he has to search for a brand ambassador of his business. He quickly remembered ruhaan.

Raman was in his hotel room when suddenly he wanted to enquire about ruhaan as he remembered the incident. So he immediately went to the latter apartment. There he saw ruhaan alone at home. Ruhaan opened the door and was shocked. Tears were almost came out of his eyes. But fortunately she prevent it from falling. She was also speechless to see her papa in australia. Raman introduced himself as Mr Bhalla. Ruhaan greeted him. Raman asked him about his health and was soon engaged in a converstion.
End of Flashback.

After some time raman went leaving ruhaan in a worst situation as both his parents left him. Ruhaan was extremely angry and hurt. And now she has seen both parents normal. She thought that raman and ishita were both happy in their life. But as she was already beaten by niddhi. She tries to control her emotions as she had a meeting with a client who was coming in ten minutes. So he was forced to be normal agaIn.

**at ishita room**
suddenly came Mani, mani was having financial problems in his business. She sought the help of ishita.
What kind of help will Mani seek from ishita?

Will Ruhaan to the ad?

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