Part 15- The Party 🎉

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It starts with everyone gathering in the launch party of Raman's product. Everyone was already there except Raman. After some time came Raman, he was looking dashing in his suit. Raman came inside and greets some guests. While meeting his guests, almost everyone was talking about their marriage etc.... Raman became angry hearing all this as he was still in love with his madrasan but was angry with her. But now his madrasan is no more with him.

He went to the bartender and asks him to make a drink for him. Raman was already angry. The glass slips from the man's glass. Raman became more frustrated and vents his anger on the bartender itself. He scolds him. Then he started drinking. Before the party starts, he was almost drunk.

After some time, Ishita came in the party with Mani.

"I came with Mani but i shouldn't have come here" thought Ishita.

" we will wait for some time and then we will leave" said Mani.

Raman was talking to the bartender and asked him whether he got married or not.

"Sir my marriage is next week" replied the man.

"Are you mad? What will you do by marrying" said Raman.

"Sorry sir... Please don't complain about me.. Tell me is marriage wrong? I will not marry if you say" replied the man.

"Marriage is a punishment for men. You will complain about it later. You will be seen sitting in my place after some years" said Raman.

While sitting, Raman noticed Ishita with Mani. He went towards them and talked with Mani. Ruhi/Ruhaan come there after some time. Raman went to welcome him. The media takes Ruhaan's pictures. Raman asked Ruhaan to come on stage. Raman launches his products. The people likes the ad very much and says that Raman also acted in it.

"Yes Raman proves that he is a good actor. And his company is number one because of such hard works" said one man praising Raman. At the same time Romi comes there and looks at them.

Meanwhile, it was Ruhi/Ruhaan's turn to say something about Raman.

"It was a very good pleasure working with Mr Bhalla. He is a very good businessman and i hope that his company continue to succeeds like this" said Ruhi/Ruhaan. Somewhere inside she was very happy and proud of his father.

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