Part 6

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The episode start with Mani talking to Ishita about some financial crisis of his business. Ishita asked Mani in which way can she help him.
Mani was in his office busy talking to his Secretary. Suddenly he got a call which was answered by his secretary. The Call was from Raman's office. He was informed that the business deal with Mr Bhalla was cancelled. Mani was shocked to know that the one he was going to sell his business is none other than Raman. The same evening Mani got a call from the manager of his business and was informed that if he could get a brand ambassador to launch a product. And it will a great profit for his company if they could do the ad. The ad has to be held in Delhi. Mani thought that it will be the right opportunity to make his business alright. The ad was going to be held in three weeks. Also Mani wanted to make ishu to go with her. So the same day, he talked with aliya to asked her whether he can meet ruhaan to make him the brand ambassador of his business. Aliya agreed but was then informed that ishita also will have to go to delhi. She was first reluctant as she knew how ishita did not want to go to delhi. But then she agreed as she wanted her amma to get over her past. So aliya called  the manager by phone and then niddhi agreed.
End of flashback.
Mani then told ishita about the ad. At first Ishita was hesitating but at last she agreed as Mani did a lot for her. Mani then told her about Delhi. At the mention of Delhi, she was shocked but then she agreed. Mani told her to go in 2 days and he will come in a week as he has lot of work to do here. Mani then left leaving ishita in thought.
Ishita was thinking about the memories spent in Delhi.

Also raman secretary called ruhaan's manager to ask them to sign a contract with his industry. The fellow agreed but soon niddhi remembered that she also has another contract but she did not let the Secretary know that she has already sign another contract. So for her to get double money, she fixes both contract for the same day. And she informed mani and raman industries to tell them that ruhaan has two contract on that day.
So both of them agreed. Niddhi wanted to make more money from both contracts.

The next two days passed peacefully. Raman and Ishita were both returning to Delhi. Ishita was accompanied by Mani and Aliya who reassured her that they will come soon. On the other side was raman who was alone. Both of them were going in the same flight. After some time, they were asked to board on the flight. There ishita was at the back whereas raman was in front. The flight took off. After 30 min, everyone heard a noise. It was a terrorist, everyone was afraid. Ishita with lot o courage went towards him and try to reason with him. But it was of no use, the man wanted to shoot as he lost his wife.
Raman was sitting in front when he heard the woman talking. He did not know that it was Ishita. After lot of struggle, ishita managed to calm down the terrorist. At last, the man was calmed but as soon as they reached the airport, he wanted to shoot again. So he took his gun and was going to shoot again. He shoot on the top of the plane. Nobody was hurt but due to the loud noise, the plane got some problems to descend. Everyone was afraid as the plane started shaking. Ishita was near the door whereas Raman was in front. Raman was thinking about the courage of the woman. He wanted to see the woman once but due to turmoil on the plane, he could not. The plane had problems to board in the airport. Seeing the trouble of the plane, media already started to record the situation live. It was being telecasted live.

On the other side, ruhaan was watching television when suddenly he saw the news. He was told by aliya that ishita was going back to india. She was worried about her ishima. Ruhaan started walking everywhere
She was worried. She still loved ishita as much as she did it long ago but she was upset with her. But now, she was extremely worried so she continued to watch the news. She was also praying to god to save her ishima.

At the airport, the place succeeded to board off. But as soon as the plane landed, the terrorist shoot again. This time, the bullet passed near her arm. Her arm was bruised, everyone in the plane was leaving it, ishita fell down and everybody continue to walk on her. Fortunately came Raman, he held Ishita and took her to the hospital. Ishita face was covered so raman did not see her. Raman thought that people are still mannerless, that she helped them so much, yet those people left her alone on the plane. Ishita was bruised but she fell unconscious. At the hospital, ishita was admitted. Raman had to leave her as he had much work to do but before leaving, he left a bouquet of flowers for her.
Ishita was on the hosital bed when suddenly, she decided to go and ask a nurse who brought her here. She went outside, there she was talking to a nurse when suddenly mihika was passing by. She saw ishita and was shocked, she tried to follow her to know if it was really her. Ishita went back in her room and laid on her bed when suddenly she heard a knock on the door.

The door opened and here comes Mihika. Ishita was speechless and shocked. Mihika also was surprised to see her akka alive. She went near her her and both of them had an emotional hug. Mihika asked her why did not she tell them that she was alive. Ishita asked her to forgive her as she was feeling guilty. Mihika then told her about the fights taking place after the death. After some time mihika showed her a picture. It was small ruhi. Ishita asked her why was she showing ruhi picture. Mihika then told her that it was not ruhi but it was pihu. Ishita was shocked and happy at the same time. She kissed the picture, she wanted to see her once. After some time, someone came in search of Mihika. It was a tall guy and as soon as he opened the door he was shocked. It was Adi, ishita's son.

Ishita did not know that it was her son Adi. Adi was shocked and emotional, he wanted to hug her ishima once but suddenly he entered the room and Mihika introduced him as her designer. Ishita greeted him, adi was in a state of shock so he quickly went out. Mihika quickly follow him and told ishita that she will come in a while. Outside, adi confronted mihika for hiding the truth. It was then mihika told him that she just saw ishita now. Adi was very happy that his ishima was alive. After some time both of them went inside where they saw ishita sleeping. Adi went quietly near her and touched her foot to seek blessing. Ishita suddenly woke up and asked him why did he touch her feet. Adi the with lot of sadness told him that her mom was in the room before she died. She was in the same hospital. Ishita felt sorry for him. Ishita asked adi for his name, adi told him AB. Adi quickly went away as he was not able to hold his tears.

In Australia, ruhi was relaxed as she came to know that the plane was now safe. Also she got a call that she will have to go to Delhi in 2 weeks as she has  to do the role of a brand ambassador for an important ad. She did not want to go but was forced to. She did not know that it will be the same ad with raman and ishita industries. She was informed about it when she heard her secretary talking. She was shocked thinking where she got trapped. Fortunately niddhi did not know that she signed a contract with raman and mani. Otherwise, she would knew that ruhaan know that they are in Australia and she would have been really angry.

In India at the hospital, mihika before going ,she told ishita to come and meet them at the wedding. The wedding was in five days and engahement is tomorrow in the same hotel where you are staying. Ishita said that she doesn't know. Mihika then told her that it is her wedding with romi, so must come otherwise she will not talk with her. Ishita then agreed.

That day, ishita got discharged from the hospital. Ishita has booked a hotel and was going there. At the same time, it was mihika engagement. On the other side, raman was drunk thinking about ishita. Since the death of ishita, raman has been taking support from alcohol. Only with Pihu he would talk well. Raman was in the engagement at the same hotel where ishita was staying.
Ishita at the same time was going to take the lift where she was going to mihika engagement.  But At the same time, raman was in the lift drunk. He was going home, suddenly when ishita entered the lift, she saw raman. Ishita was shocked and emotional. Raman saw her but was so drunk that he could not understand that ishita is really alive. He thought that he is imagining things.  She quickly covered her face and realised that raman was drunk. Raman was talking to himself. Suddenly raman held her hand and was trying to see her.  Ishita was shocked to see this state of raman. Ishita was not letting raman see her. But  Raman was going to fall while leaving the lift, suddenly ishita shout Raman!! And help him.

Hearing the voice, raman thought that it as ishita. After a while, raman said

"Yes, how can she be my madrasan, Madrasan left me alone long time. She did not care for me"

Hearing the last word, ishita was sad and wanted to hug raman once. But after some time, seeing the drunk state of raman, ishita was worried thinking about how he would reach home. Then she brought raman to her hotel room.

Will ishita fall weak before raman??
Will Raman know that it is her ishita??

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