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The episode start with ishita putting raman on her bed. Raman suddenly pull her on the bed. Raman removed ishita's veil and saw her face , raman was drunk. He thought that he is dreaming and so Raman told her

"You are just like my madrasan. Even she used to take care of me but now she is dead. And it is my fault. She does not love me otherwise she would not have left me alone"

Hearing all these, ishita was crying. She loves raman a lot and even she missed him. But she had to hide herself from everyone as they thought she was dead. Ishita was on the bed itself, she went closer to raman. Raman also brought her more closer and even hug her. Ishita wanted this hug since a very long time. So she let raman hugged her. They shared a romantic moment together and after some time, both were asleep. They slept together.

The next morning, ishita woke up early and realised that raman was near her. She quickly jumped from the bed and dressed herself quietly without waking raman. After some minutes, she quickly went out and gone to meet someone. Raman was still asleep. After some time, he also woke up and start thinking who brought him here. Then raman thought that he saw ishita but then he made himself clear that may be it is not my madrasan. After all how can she be alive. Then after some time, he went back home where everyone was worried for him. At home, mihika and romi marriage celebration was going on. But raman and romi were not on good terms so he went to his office where he completed his work.

****In Australia****
Aliya and Mani were in their rooms busy packing their bags. Mani finished his work early than expected. So they had to take the flight at night. Aliya was on facebook chatting with a young boy named Shravan. Yes it was shravan(ishita's newphew). Shravan was thinking that it is Alia Bhatt. Aliya continued letting him thinking like this. Aliya wanted to tease him a bit. But on the other side, shravu thought that it is her favourite actress. So shravan wanted to meet her once. But aliya did not know what to reply so she told him that she will decide later as she has lot of work. Shravan was happy thinking that aliya is now her friend.
After some time mani and aliya went to the airport. They were going to surprise ishita.

****In India****

At the Iyers house, everyone were busy. Shravan was in his room. Shravan was wearing a blue shirt and his jeans. He was a bit plump. He had no friends and was always busy with his technology. Shravan often fights with Bala as he is jealous that all the boys of his school talks only with Bala. Everyone teases him at school saying he is fat. He was very sad so that evening, he packed his bag and decided to leave his home. Even at home, vandita did not have enough time for him (shravan's opinion).

He quietly went out of the compound and went to his favourite place where he would go whenever he needed some time for himself. Only Adi knew about this place.

***At the Iyer place***
It was dinner time, amma asked shitija to call shravu. Shitija went to his brother room but she found no one. So she went in the kitchen where she informed amma that shravan is not in his room. Amma thought that shravan was angry when he returned home so he can't go to play with adi.She asked vandu and bala about shravu. But they were clueless and also worried. Bala went to ask the watchman whether he saw his son. The watchman replied yes and showed him the CCTV footage.

To his surprise, he saw that shravan talked with Mrs Bhalla before going out. He quickly went to inform Amma and Vandu. Amma always fights with Mrs Bhalla so she quickly went to her and confronted her. But mrs. Bhalla was surprised because she did not talk much with shravan. She thought that he was going to his friend place. Hearing all these, adi came forward and told them that he knew shravan favorite hiding place. Everyone was shocked that shravu never told them about the hiding place. Adi quickly took Bala with him to shravan's hiding place. After some time they reached there. Adi went inside and saw shravan there. He quickly ran towards him and hugged him. Bala was happy to see his son safe and sound. Shravan was almost in tears when he saw how much bala was worried. Shravu returned home with his appa and bhaiya. There he was questioned for leaving the house. But at last, his family decided not to pressurise him. So they decided to let him go in his room peacefully.

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