Part 13- Continue

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It starts with Ruhi sitting on her bed in her room. Ishita asked Ruhi to have dinner but she denied. Ishita comes to her with a plate of food. She asks Ruhi to have it.

"Please stop. Don't try to become my mummy. I won't eat, please leave me alone" said Ruhi.

Ishita persisted with her but she didn't agree. Ishita feed her with her own hand. Ruhi stared at her emotionally. She loved her ishima a lot but was blinded by hatred. Ishita asked her to chew. And then she started chewing the food.

"You know you get irritated when you stays hungry. My daughter couldn't bear hunger. Start eating" said Ishita.

*****Dil se dil ka Rishta plays*****

"My daughter used to love curd rice the most, she used to ask for it. Is the food well made? Actually you know, i didn't made this food and feed anyone for so many years. I am out of practice" said Ishita.

Ruhi was emotional. She started recalling her moments with her Ishima. How Ishita used to feed her.
Suddenly the door bell rings. Ishita told Ruhi that she will check the door and be back.

Ishita goes to attend the door. She opened it and was shocked to see Abhishek.

"Ishitajii, Niddhi is alive" said Abhishek.

"What, is she alive? Niddhi is alive" replied Ishita. Ruhi hears all this and get shocked.

Abhishek told her that Niddhi hit him with her car.

"Yes ishita jii, she has hitten me with her car. And i saw her face clearly. It was Niddhi" said Abhishek.

"Are you sure that it was her. If Niddhi is alive, then Ruhi may be also alive" replied Ishita.

"Yes, how can i forget her face Ishita jii. She is alive" said Abhishek. Ishita was puzzled. She was happy to get a small light of hope. Her ruhi may be alive. She was determined to find Niddhi. Little did she know that her Ruhi is in her house only.

"Abhishek, i have to tell Raman. He will be so happy" said Ishita who was crying with happiness and she went.

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