Part 11 (a)

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It starts in a studio where Ishita and raman were. It was the day of the ad. Both were respectively sitting in a corner waiting for their turn. The producer was shouting on his technician for getting on his nerve as he was already worried. Ruhaan refused to read the script And his main actors ran away. Hearing this Adi became happy and thought that he would make his parents do the actors role. He was elated. He called the producer at the back and asked him what happened. The producers tell him that his actors ran away. Adi then told him that these two people sitting there can do the actors role. They will be perfect together. The producer thanked him and went directly to Raman and Ishita.

He asked them if they can play the actors role. They first denied. But then the producers told them that they won't be able to do any ad without actors. He made Raman accept. And after a while Ishita also agrees. Both were not happy but for the sake of their ad. The producer gave them the scripts and both were engrossed in their works.

After a while, the director called them and asked whether they were ready. Both responded that they were ready.
Ruhaan was called and the latter was shocked to see her parents working together. The director told him the changes, she was angry that ishra are going to enact in the ad.

After some time, ruhi saw Adi smiling as he was seeing his parents. She quickly understood that it was his bhaiya's plan. But then he thought that she will not let him be successful in his plans. She went to sit on a sofa where Ishita was already sitting. The director called them there and was explaining something. But Ishita seeing that particular mole was getting distracted. She kept on admiring Ruhaan. Ruhi could not see her face to face. She knew that Ishita is looking at her but she continues to look down or anywhere but not in ishita's eyes.

The director was telling Ishita that Ruhaan will be her son who just came victorious from a football match and also told her that she will have to caress her cheeks in a motherly way. Ishita to make sure that she is doing it right, caresses Ruhaan's cheek now itself and continued to look at him and that mole. Ruhaan couldn't bear it anymore, Ruhi almost had tears in her eyes but controlled it.

"What is your problem? Why are you seeing me like this" said Ruhaan in a very angry tone while removing Ishita's hand from his cheeks.

"You know, that mole of yours remind me of someone. It is so distracting and sorry. You know my daughter also had the same mole and by seeing your mole i feel she is near me" said Ishita missing Ruhi more.

Ruhi was hurt, she wanted to hug her ishima but then she remembered how much she suffered due to her.

"Ohh, Btw where is your beti? " said Ruhaan.

"My daughter is not here anymore. You remind me of her" said Ishita.

"You mean she is no more. Then why do i remind you of her. Stop talking about her. And yess Mr Director, i was told that i will be working with professional actors who worked in many ads. They are unprofessional. I am a professional and i am not going to work with them. I am going" said Ruhaa very disrespectful.

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