Chapter 1

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Jennie's Pov

"Mom! I'm going", I said while grabbing my bike.

"Good luck on your first day of school dear", Mom said and kissed my cheek.

"Aww, kissy kissy!", Taemin shouted while running towards me.

I carried him in my arms and he kissed my lips. Maybe you're wondering who is Taemin to me. He is my 4 year old son. And about his dad? Don't ask me, he's living in a world without even asking about us.

"Baby, Mom's going to school today, and you should go to yours okay?", I said and pinched his nose.

"Okay, I will make sure to make Mommy happy with my grades", Taemin said and hugged me.

"Really? You're going to make me happy?", I asked and he nodded rapidly.

Such a cutie.

I looked in his eyes while smiling at him. He really got his father's smile and eyes.

"Now, go with grandma. Mommy's going", I said and put him down while he ran towards his grandma.

I rode my bike after waving goodbye to them. I know you're wondering why I have a son while I'm still studying. Let's just say I made a mistake in loving the wrong person. But I'm not going to treat my baby a mistake because he's the reason why I smiled again, and another person.

"Hey Jennie!", Mark greeted while riding his bike and drove beside me.

"Mark! You look pale. Are you still sick?", I asked and he just laughed.

"I just got better last night Jen", he said and drove past me.

Mark was the other reason why I smiled again. When I was still carrying Taemin, he was the one who supported me. He was a good friend indeed. He never abandoned me when I got pregnant in 15, yup, such a young age.

"Focus Jennie! You might hit something", Mark shouted.

I paddled faster to be at his side again.

"Who are the sponsors in our scholarship?", I asked.

"I don't know, but I heard they're a bunch of idols", Mark said and I almost got hit by a car, luckily I managed to avoid it.

Idols? It couldn't be him right?

"If you're thinking about him. I don't know if they were. But let's just hope they're not", Mark said and smiled.

We arrived at Seoul University. We secured our bikes so that they won't get lost and headed at the entrance hall. When we arrived I could see many students in front. It really are idols that will be sponsoring. I saw a girl holding a banner but I couldn't see clearly the writings.

"B?", I asked.

It must be Block B or B.A.P or BTOB or etc. Mark and I entered the building and headed towards the bulletin board. I searched for my name.

"IV - Hearts", I read a certain section and my name was under it. I guess that would be my class throughout the year.

"IV - Hearts, Mark. How about you?", I asked and he just looked down.

"IV - Spade. Aish! I really want to be with you", he whined like a kid who's throwing tantrums.

"It's okay Markie, let's just spend some time together during lunch. Deal?", I said and he began to pout.

"Okay, but I will walk you to your class back and forth. Deal", he said and linked arms with me.

I know you didn't ask but Mark is kind of a gay-boy. I mean he could be a manly boy sometimes but he could also be a girly gay. You can see it from his actions. He likes Doraemon, fluffy things, and cotton candy.

(A/N: I just made it up 😜)

"There, I'll get you later okay?", Mark said bringing back the boy side.

"Okay", I said and entered the room.

There aren't many students in the room yet. I sat by the window at the second to the last portion and took a nap since I didn't get enough sleep last night because Taemin had a bad dream.

I just woke up but still in a nap position when I heard squealing and I felt someone sat behind me with his friends. I swear they're so noisy.

"Hey V, are you sure she's here?", Someone asked.

"I'm sure she's here. I saw her records that's why I chose this section", Another one said. His voice seems familiar but I don't remember when I heard it.

"Aww, I thought you chose this section because of me", another boy said.

"Eww Jimin, I thought Jungkook was your target? You really don't have jams", another boy answered.

After a few minutes the bell rang indicating the class will be starting so I sat straight and fixed myself. Then the teacher entered.

"Okay class, My name is Go Ara but you can call me unnie since Ma'am is a bit old. But if you're not comfortable with it, you can call me Ms. Go understand?", Ms. Go asked and we all answered in respect.

"So let's start introducing ourselves?", She asked and we start introducing ourselves at our seats.

Everyone introduces their names until it's my turn.

"Hello everyone. My name is Kim Jennie. Actually I'm a bit older than you guys are so you can call me unnie too. I'm 20 years old and I hope you will treat me nice", I said and bowed.

Then the introduction continued until the last guy at my back is next. I swear, my breath stopped when he said his name.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm here in this section because of a certain person. That's all", he said and sat down.

My breath became uneasy. He was sitting behind me all this time.

"By the way class, our BTS here will be entering this class from time to time since they hadn't completed their studies yet due to being trainees. I hope you'll all get along and not to cause any ruckus, understand?"

I had this urge to look behind me, but I stopped myself. I decided that I don't want to get involve with his life anymore. I'm done, I'm so done.

(Lunch Time)

I quickly fixed my things and ran off to head out of the classroom but the door was so crowded. It was finally my turn to get out but I felt a hand grabbed me and closed the door. I felt a hot breath near my ear.

"Are you avoiding me?", Taehyung.

I didn't look at him and just looked down.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about", Ugh! Why did I stutter? Jennie you idiot!

"I know you're avoiding me. You looked tensed when I introduced myself earlier", Taehyung whispered.

I think we're not the only ones here. I can feel other presence aside from ours.

"I'm busy TaeTae", I said and was about to shove him away but he caught my hand.

"So you still remember that nickname?", He teased and I felt his forehead on my shoulder.

"I miss you Jennie. My Jenjen"

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now