Chapter 12

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(A/N: They're back at school!)

The rumours about Naeun being Taehyung's girlfriend and Mark being an idol, kills me. I have no time for them, or it's the other way around.

"Yah, Jennie! You're spacing out", I felt a nudge in my arm and looked at Jisoo.

"What?", I asked.

"I said you're spacing out. Is there something wrong?", She asked and I shook my head.

We are currently eating at the cafeteria and Jisoo is my new found friend. Since Taehyung and Mark can't come near me. Because again, for my safety.

"You miss Mark don't you?", She asked and I sighed.

It isn't just Mark, if only she knew. I just sighed and she pat my back.

"Don't worry, you can be together again", she said and I smiled at her.

"Oh by the way, since your best friend Mark is an idol, why don't you become one?", I felt my ears twinge at what Jisoo said.

"Pardon?", I asked.

"There's an upcoming audition at YG, why don't we audtion together?", She asked, with her eyes sparkling with hope.

I was about to agree when, I thought about Taemin. If I become idol, who will take care of him?.

"So what? Are you in or out?", Jisoo asked and I could see a frown on her face already.

"Jisoo, thanks for the offer but---"

"I get it, it's that kid right?", I felt my heart stopped when she said that.

She knew?

"I saw you and Mark with a kid at an ice cream parlor the other week. So, you guys aren't just best friends?", I immediately shook my head to disagree.

"Mark and I are best friends. But that kid,", I sighed deeply and leaned in towards her ear.

Jisoo can be trusted, I know. She's nice, beautiful, honest. I knowshe would keep this important secret.

"That kid is my son. Please don't tell anyone", I whispered and she frozed for a moment.

She slowly looked at me and then a smile appeared on her face. She suddenly squealed causing the other student to look at us.

"Really? When will I get to see that cute puff ball?", She asked excitedly.

"Y-You want to meet him?", I asked.

"Of course, I have a feeling that your son, is special. I just can't put my finger on it", she looked up as if she's thinking.

Taemin is indeed special. Taehyung is his father and Mark is his uncle. Mostly, they're both idols.

"So, can I meet him?", She asked and I nodded.

"Sure. When will you want to meet him?", I asked.

"How about later?", I nodded and she clapped her hands.

"Great, I'll bring Lisa and Rosé"


"Aigoo! He's so cute", Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé giggled while watching Taemin eat the cake they bought.

"Thank you Aunt Jisoo, Aunt Rosé and Aunt Lisa", Taemin smiled.

"No, Taemin call me Mama Rosé okay?", Rosé corrected.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now