Chapter 2

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Jennie's Pov

"Jennie? Jennie. JENNIE!"


"You're distracted. Is everything okay?", Mark asked and shoved some fries on his mouth.

"No, nothing's okay", I answered and munched on the burger furiously.

"Why? What's bothering you?", Mark asked again.

"Taehyung's my classmate", after I said that, Mark choked.

"Hey, you okay?", I asked and gave him water.

"Are you serious? So that's why I saw him earlier", Mark said while massaging his chest.

"What am I going to do?", I asked while pulling my hair frustratingly.

"What happened earlier?", He asked and I shuddered at what he said.


"I miss you Jennie. My Jenjen", Taehyung whispered and I pushed him. Hard.

I looked up and I was right. It wasn't only the both of us. All of his friends are here.

"You miss me? What a joke Taehyung. After you left me for four years and now you're coming back saying you miss me? I'm fine without you Taehyung. I'm perfectly fine. We don't need you", I shouted angrily and he looked confused.

"We?", He asked.

I covered my mouth. I just slipped. Well there's another stupidity award for you Jennie.

"I'm going", I was about to twist the knob when someone stopped me.

"Let Taehyung explain first", One of his friends said and I just smirked.

"There's nothing to explain Mr. Whoever-you-are. When Taehyung left, he brought my heart with him and now I have a new one so I don't need him anymore", I pushed him and got out from the room.

•End of flashback•

Mark clapped his hands, looking amused at me.

"You deserve a Grammy award for that Jen", he said and I just stuck my tongue at him.

"Now that Taehyung's here, are you going to tell him about Taemin?", He asked and I nearly choked.

"What? Hell no!", I yelled and the students beside our table looked at me. I just give them a peace sign.

"Taehyung has the right to know about his son. And also Taemin needs to see his dad. It's his fifth birthday wish remember?", Mark said and I do remember that it is his wish for his upcoming birthday.

I felt guilty that time that I even lied that his father has another family. He cried and cried until I promised to show to him his dad. I even tried to say that Mark was his dad but he only just said:

"Mark isn't my dad. He's gay"

I laughed my stomach out that time. I knew this day would come, I didn't know when.

"I don't know Mark. What if he denies Taemin? I don't want my son to feel abandoned by his own father. I don't want him to be hurt", I said, tears brimming my eyes.

Imagining my son, will be neglected by his own father. Just the thought of it wants me to stay away from Taehyung even more.

"But what if he accepts Taemin? What if he came back to be with you again?", Mark asked and I just looked down.

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