Chapter 28

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Taehyung's Pov




"Jennie!", I got up suddenly.

It was just a nightmare Taehyung, don't worry about it. You won't loose her. I rubbed my eyes and I caressed the bed where she's laying but,

It's empty.

I stood up and saw the IV dextrose full of blood. I suddenly panicked and went to the bathroom but she's not there.

"Hyung wake up!", I shouted at Jin hyung.

"Why, what is it?", He asked frantically.

"Jennie's missing! Let's look for her, call the police!", I ordered and run outside and head to the nurse's station.

"The patient at room 37 is missing! I demand to see the CCTVs!", I shouted and she lead me to the security.

"Room 37, 2:35 p.m", I said and he searched for Jennie's room.

We watched the whole scene, she was there, sleeping, with me holding her hand. But suddenly a nurse entered with a wheel chair. She looked at me and caressed my face. What the hell?! Then she turned to Jennie and purposely pulled her IV, she ran outside and came back with two men and carried Jennie to the wheel chair and left after that. After a few seconds, I woke up.

"Dammit!", I ran outside again.

Why am I so stupid, Samantha is still free and anytime she can harm Jennie. And she's doing it now. The police were gathered in front and I dashed to them.

"Why aren't you doing your work? Search for my girlfriend! She's in trouble for goodness sake!", I shouted but Mark pulled me away.

"Relax Taehyung! Do you think we can find Jennie if you're like that? Let the police do their work", he said and I pushed his hand away.

"Can't you understand? Samantha has Jennie!", I said and he widened his eyes.

"Her again?!", I messed up my hair.

I couldn't protect Jennie once again.

"We'll find her Taehyung, don't worry"

Jennie's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard voices beside me. I looked up and I felt pain in my head. Where am I?

"Oh, the princess is awake. Hello, Jennie we've meet again", Samantha laughed and suddenly grabbed my hair and I screamed in pain.

"You think you can escape? Well news flash, I won't stop unless I buy you a ticket to hell! You should've died. Now Taehyung hates me and it's all your fault!", She said and gripped on my hair even tighter.

I noticed her tummy is already big and I can't fight back, I might hurt the baby.

"Samantha, please don't do this. You'll harm your baby", I begged but she pushed my head and it slightly stung.

"This baby is nothing if Taehyung won't marry me. You want the child to be safe? Then give me Taehyung, he's all I want", she demanded but I just shook my head.

"It's not my fault that Taehyung loves me. Why don't you just give up and be happy with your baby?", I said and she just laughed.

"Happy? There's no such thing as happiness in this world. Everything is either by money or by force, and I'm picking the second option. Can't you understand? I love Taehyung, I love him so much that I'm willing to do anything for him. Even though it means to kill someone important to him", she then pointed a gun at me.

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