Chapter 11

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Jennie's Pov

"Mommy! Wake up! Daddy's here", I heard Taemin shouted but I can't move my body.

I suddenly felt sick all of a sudden.

"Mommy? Mommy you have a fever!", I quickly got up when Taemin shouted.

"Shh baby calm down, Mommy's not sick. Don't tell Daddy okay?", I told him while my eyes are still closed but I heard the door opened.

"Don't tell me what?", My eyes immediately opened and saw Taehyung by the door.

"Daddy, Mommy has a fever! My Mommy is sick!", I rolled my eyes at Taemin, he really takes me seriously, note the sarcasm.

"Really? Let me see", Taehyung walked towards me and before I could react, his forehead touched mine.

His eyes are closed and I could sense that he was trying to feel my temperature. I can't help but stare at his angelic face. From his long eyelashes to his strong jaw line, it makes me admire him more. Then, he suddenly opened his eyes and caught me staring at him.

"You really have a fever, rest first okay?", He gently pushed me on the bed and tucked me in.

"I'm okay Taehyung, no need for your concern", I tried to sound cold since I was still mad at him but my situation didn't let me.

"Just let me do this okay Jen? Rest there and I'll take care of everything", he said and walked out of my room.

Taemin sat beside me and cupped my cheeks.

"You'll be okay, right Mommy?", I smiled weakly at Taemin.

"Of course I'll be okay baby. Mommy will be okay soon. Don't worry", I touched his hand that was on my cheek.

"I love you Mommy", he cooed and hugged me.

"I love you too baby, you're so sweet these days. Why is that?", I asked him.

"Daddy TaeTae said that I should be sweet to you and tell you I love you everyday, since he said that he can't", Taemin replied and I felt a pang in my chest.

Of course, our relationship wasn't accepted and he's now acting in love with  another girl who looks like me. Sometimes, I wish I was an idol myself.

"Jennie? Taemin?", I heard Mark shouted from the living room and Taemin ran out, probably to greet Mark.

I laid back down on my bed and tried to go back to sleep but I can't. The image of Taehyung with Naeun always flashes on my mind. I opened my eyes when I felt a hand in my cheek, it was Mark.

"You okay? I heard you're sick", He asked and I tried to stand up but he pushed me back.

"Don't force yourself, do you know how worried Taemin was when he approached me?", Mark asked and I looked to the side and saw Taemin, playing games in Mark's phone.

"That's the thing Mark, I don't want to be weak in front of him and make him worry more. So please, I'll only feel weak even more if I stay in bed", I begged him and he sighed deeply.

"Fine, if that's what you want. But don't force yourself too much okay?", Mark gently helped me to stand up.

"Thanks Mark", I slightly smiled at him and walked slowly to the door.

But before I could hold the door knob, it was already opened. I stepped back when I saw Taehyung with plastic bags on his hand.

"Why did you stand? You should've rest, more", from me, his attention diverted to Mark who was carrying Taemin.

"She wants to stand up, I have no choice but to follow what she wants", Mark said and I was about to walk pass Taehyung when he grabbed my arm.

"Go back and rest, I thought I told you I'll take care of you?", I can see it in his eyes, the fear and


"I can take care of myself Taehyung. I said no need to worry", I tried my best not to raise my voice since it makes my head hurt even more.

"Why do you always put up a strong act? Are you really that eager to push me away?", He argued even more and I can't help but stumble back.

He was about to catch me when Mark did it first.

"Taehyung, I think it's best if you don't argue with Jennie. Don't you think your being insensitive when you know she's sick?", I could sense coldness in Mark's voice.

I grabbed his hand and signaled him to go out with Taemin. He hesitated at first but he still nodded and walked out with Taemin before closing the door.

"Look, Taehyung. Mark's right, find another date to argue with me, just not now", I begged but instead he hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I was just jealous. Mark was able to take care and be with you while I can't. I'm just thinking that he will take you away from me", he whispered and I sighed before placing my chin on his shoulders.

"I told you, Mark and I are just friends", I assured him and I felt his hand caressing my back.

"Now, let's tuck you back in. Please let me take care of you. You know I don't want you getting sick", Taehyung carried me and tucked me back to bed.

"Get some rest okay? I love you", he kissed my forehead and caressed my hair.

He sure knows how to make me sleep. Within a few minutes, I was back to dreamland.

Mark's Pov

I clenched my fist while listening to their conversation. Jennie is smart but because of Taehyung, she becomes stupid. But what rights do I have to say that when I myself, is stupid because of Jennie.

I'm playing a role of a gay best friend for her because I know she needs someone who she'll lean on. The times when she's still carrying Taemin in her womb, I was the one who helped her but still I can't gain her love.

Yes, I love Jennie. But her happiness comes first that's why I'm trying to get them back together, even though it hurts. But Taehyung, he's not living up to my expectations.

"Uncle Mark, I want ice cream", Taemin tugged on my pants and I smiled at him.

I carried him and we walked downstairs.

"What flavor do you want?", I asked and he looked up as if he's thinking.

"Vanilla! I want two scoops!", He replied cheerfully and I pinched his cheeks.

"Two scoops of vanilla it is", I said and took him to an ice cream parlour.

While watching Taemin eat, I can't help but remember that bast.rd who left them just because of his dream. My dream was to become an idol too but I set it aside for Jennie even though she's just my best friend. But why can't Taehyung do that?

I know I'm pushing Jennie back to him, but seeing her in pain because of him. I'm changing my mind.

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