Chapter 20

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Jennie's Pov

"Jennie? Please open up", Mark knocked but I never dared to open.

After last night, I locked myself in my room. I already sent Taemin to my mom because he will be taken good care there, unlike with me.

"Jennie! Open up, tell me what's wrong", Mark shouted but I still ignored him and looked out of my window.

It's raining. But I feel no cold. How can he hurt me? Again? I gave him a chance but he wasted it. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Jennie?", The door opened, yeah right, the spare keys are on the cabinet.

"I want to be alone Mark", I sternly said but instead he hugged me.

"Just cry, cry it all out", he whispered and my tears fall automatically.

"Mark.... It hurts", I sobbed on his chest.

"What happened?"

"I... I saw him... Him and Samantha... Kissing", I sobbed and he frozed.

"Samantha?", He asked and I nodded.

"Shit!", He cussed which shocked me.

"Samantha is one of our trainees in JYP", He explained.

I wiped my tears and breathed deeply. I got up and composed my posture.

"So he's really into those cute little girls huh?", I breathed out.

"Then I'll be the opposite"


Taehyung's Pov

It's been weeks since I last saw Jennie and Taemin. I already miss them.


"What?!", I looked at Jungkook who was pointing at the TV with his lips.

I also looked at the TV and saw the background colored with Black and Pink. She has a comeback? The song started and I could hear Jungkook muffling his voice. Creep.

I was shocked, Jennie looks so charismatic. Unlike the Jennie I knew who is a soft and cute woman. But this Jennie I see on the TV, is nothing than the real Jennie I love.

"Wow, Jennie noona looks so badass. Good thing for Jennie though, she knows how to sing and rap, a total package! Unlike someone there", I know Jungkook was pertaining to me, but I just ignored him.

She's sometimes has no emotion while performing. What's gotten into her? I heard footsteps coming towards me and the next thing I knew, Mark is holding my collar.

"How can you do that to Jennie?", He angrily asked that made me confused.

"What are you talking about?", I asked but he punched me.

"Hyung! Mark hyung why?", Jungkook asked and helped me.

"Why? Ask that idiot! He had the guts to let Jennie see how he cheat! I can't believe you Taehyung, you shouldn't have come back in the first place if you can't even be loyal to Jennie!", He shouted and got out of the room.

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