Chapter 5

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Taehyung's Pov

"Hyung! I'm home", I shouted and Jungkook fell from the couch because of the shock.

"Did you really need to shout?", He asked irritated, as I ran to him and hugged him.

"Looks like someone's in good mood. Care to share?", Jin hyung asked and I grinned at him.

"I'm sure it's Jennie", Namjoon hyung said.

"It's not just Jennie though", I said and they furrowed their eyebrows.

"Who else?", Hoseok hyung asked.

"I also met my son!", I announced and they looked surprised.

"Really? Jennie finally told you?", Jimin asked and I nodded.

"I met him earlier. In fact, he knows me first before I do", I grinned on how cute my son was.

"Your son is the one we saw on the resto right?", Namjoon hyung asked.

"Yup", I replied popping the p.

"I knew it, he really looks like you. Haha, in your face, you even said that I'm into old ladies", Jimin jeered and pointed at Hoseok hyung who was glaring at him.

"But why did Jennie tell you now? I mean she should've told you years ago?", Jungkook asked.

"Taehyung's an idol. Like she could just waltz in and reveal she's pregnant. It would cause scandal", Jin hyung answered and they nodded.

"I mean, before hyung could've been an idol", Jungkook said and they made and "oohh" sound.

"We broke up before she knew she was pregnant. She also said that she was afraid that I might reject the child and choose my career over our child", I said and Namjoon hyung nodded.

"She has a point though. Even if she told you before hand, what would you choose Taehyung, your dream or your child? That's what was lingering on Jennie's head. Taehyung dreamed to become an idol and if she told him, he might've reject the child and choose his dream", Namjoon hyung said as I look down.

He has a point, I would still have chosen my dream. I know I'm a bad person but I did that for I and Jennie's future. But when they told me that relationships aren't allowed, I have to make a decision. And that decision hurt her and our child.

"Don't worry Tae, I'm sure Manager hyung can understand. He likes kids right? Why don't you show your son to him?", Jin hyung asked.

"I'd love to, but I'll ask Jenjen first", I said and they started to tease me.

"Asking permission from the Mommy, aye? That's a one point!", Yoongi hyung said.

"What's his name?", Jungkook asked.

I grabbed my phone and showed them the picture I took from earlier.

"Kim Taemin, he also has the same birthdate as me", I said and they took my phone and they stared at it.

"Aww, you guys looks so cute. Little Taetae, hugging his Daddy", Jin hyung cooed.

"I want to have a kid too!"

"Shut up Jungkook!"

Jennie's Pov

It's Saturday today and Taehyung said that we're going somewhere with Taemin. I fixed Taemin's things and the door opened revealing Mark who was sucking a lollipop.

"Guys going somewhere?", He asked and I nodded.

"Taehyung said we're going somewhere", I replied and he nodded.

"Uncle, can I have some?", Taemin run to Mark and hugged his knees.

"Sure you can, here!", Mark said and grabbed a lollipop from his pocket.

"Thank you Uncle, you're the best!", Taemin cheered after kissing Mark's cheeks.

I smiled while looking at them. They're so close, it's as of I have two sons. I heard a car parked infront of the house, it must be Taehyung.

"Well get going now Mark, see you later", I said after grabbing a picture album under the coffee table.

"Bring me foods!", He shouted and I closed the door.

"Mommy, where are we going?", Taemin asked while I was holding his hand.

"We're going to Daddy", when I mentioned his Daddy, he showed his boxy smile and jumped up and down.

"Oh, there's Daddy already", I pointed out after opening the gate.

"Daddy!", He let go of me and run to Taehyung.

"Hey baby! Did you miss Daddy?", Taehyung carried Taemin in his arms.

"Yes Daddy, Mommy misses you too!", I snapped my head to Taemin who was grinning at me.

"Baby, what did I say about telling lies?", I warned and he shook his head.

"I'm not lying, you called Daddy while you're sleeping", I pouted at Taemin and Taehyung grinned at me.

"You miss me?", He asked in a teasing manner.

"Where are we going by the way?", I asked, trying to change the topic.

"My hyungs wants to meet Taemin. They also want to meet you", I widened my eyes.

"No! It's just Taemin right? Okay bye!", I was about to enter the gate when it was shut close.

"Have fun Jennie!"

"Mark! I swear I'll kill you", I shouted at him.

I looked slowly at Taehyung who was still grinning along with Taemin.

"Fine let's go", I said stomping my feet and entered the car.


"We're here!", Taehyung cheered and parked the car.

I felt nervous again, it's as if I'm going to face my boyfriend's parents. Wait, boyfriend? Yuck! We got out of the car and headed to the elevator.

"Baby, do you want to meet your other uncles?", Taehyung asked and Taemin nodded.

"Are they like Uncle Mark?", He asked cutely.

"Yes, but they're noisier than uncle Mark", Taehyung replied and Taemin held out his hands to me, asking me to carry him, which I granted.

"Tae, can you hold Taemin's bag for a while?", I asked, handing him the bag.

We arrived at a certain floor and got out. I felt Taemin's head on my shoulder, probably playing with my hair again since it's his hobby whenever he gets bored. Taehyung knocked on a door and I could hear noises from the other side of the door.

"You okay? Don't worry my friends don't bite", Taehyung assured and I nodded my head.

"I'm fine", I replied and the door opened.

It revealed Jungkook who was staring at me, Taemin and then Taehyung. I bowed at him before he looked inside and shouted.

"Mini Taehyung is here!"

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