Chapter 22

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Taehyung's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes and felt my head ached so much. What did just happen last night? All I remember is that I'm drinking to cool my head off, then I don't remember anything after that. Wait, I'm only with my boxers on. I looked everywhere and I'm not familiar with this place.

"Good morning Taehyung", I snapped my head to the side and saw Samantha.

She was only wearing a towel around her body. I looked away and messed my hair up.

"What happened?", I asked and she sat beside me.

"Didn't you remember oppa? We had the night of our life", what?

"What do you mean?", I asked and she suddenly kissed me.

I pushed her away, feeling horrified and she just smiled.

Shit! What have I done?

"Answer me!", I shouted.

"You we're so rough last night oppa", she smirked and I got up.

Did I really do that?

I searched for my clothes and phone and headed out, but before I could grab the door knob, Samantha hugged my waist.

How can I face Jennie now?

"Oppa wait! You're leaving me again? After what happened? Take responsibility for it!", She demanded but I pushed her again.

"I was drunk Samantha! It was simply a drunken mistake and you took advantage of me", I shouted.

"You also liked it! You didn't even stopped me! Don't deny it oppa!", She shouted back and I messed up my hair in frustration.

"Don't ever mention this to anyone you hear? I swear if you do, I'll forget that you're even a woman", I shouted and left her.

She called me several times but I just ignored her and headed to Jennie's house. I parked my car on the sideways and entered the gate then I knocked on the door.

"Jennie? Are you here? Jennie open up!", I shouted and knocked.

Not long after, she opened up. But her eyes are blank. Did she knew?

"Jennie", I was about to hug her when she pushed me.

"Where were you last night?", She coldly asked.

"I was at the dorm", I tried to lie, but her tears suddenly fell.

"Jennie why are yo---", I tried to hug her but instead, she slapped me.

"You liar! Then explain this shit!", She threw her cellphone at me.

I clicked on the thumbnail and I widened my eyes. She saw, she knew, and she misunderstands.

"Jennie, I was drunk! Believe me, it was a mistake! I didn't mean for this to happen! I love you so much!", I tried explained and grabbed her shoulders.

"So when you're drunk, you don't love me? When you're drunk, you're making out with Samantha? Who knows what more you did last night", she cried and I hugged her but she just pushed me.

"Stay away from me! Please Taehyung, you always hurt me, I'm done giving you chances! I had enough!", She shouted and turned her back at me but I hugged her again.

"Jennie please, listen to me. That was nothing. Please give me another chance", my voice cracked and tears starting to fall from my eyes.

"I've had enough Taehyung please. Let me go", she begged and I still hugged her tight.

"No! I won't let go! You don't understand", I cried and she pushed me again, but this time I fell on the floor.

"You're the one who don't understand! You always hurt me Taehyung, I gave you chances, but you wasted it. But don't worry, I won't stop you from being with Taemin. But there won't ever be an us anymore", I looked down as my tears fall on the ground.

"Taemin? Taemin wake up!?", I was startled when I heard Jennie's voice.

I looked up and she was carrying Taemin in her arms.

"Taemin, baby please", she cried and I dashed to my car and opened it.

I carried Taemin and put him inside together with Jennie. What is happening? I drove to the hospital fast. I immediately carried Taemin when we arrived at the hospital. Oh God, I hope there's nothing wrong with him.

Jennie's Pov

I was crying while dialing Mark's phone, my hands were shaking and my tears keep on falling. Please don't take him away from me yet.

"Mark!", I shouted when he answered.

"Jennie? Are you crying?", He asked.

"Mark... Taemin.. ", I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Wait, I'll be there hang on", he hang up and I covered my face as I kept on crying.

This is all my fault. If only I had made sure that he's still sleeping then he wouldn't have find out. I heard footsteps walking towards me but I didn't bother to look up.

"Jennie, what's happening?", Taehyung asked.

I wiped my tears and got up. I faced him but I didn't bother to look in his eyes.

"Taemin has a heart failure", I replied.

"And you didn't even bother to tell me?", He asked and I looked in his eyes.

"You we're busy! Busy with Sana, who am I to ruin your happiness?", I retorted and he messed up his hair frustratingly.

"God, Jennie! Taemin's my son too! I have the right to know"

"And I didn't take that right from you. I just didn't have the guts to tell you because it was all my fault! If only I didn't carry Dad's genes then Taemin wouldn't have been safe. If only I took care of him properly, he won't go through all this", I cried and put my hands on my face.

"It's all my fault", I whispered.

We were silent for the whole time till Mark came. He comforted me while Taehyung was on the corner, I know he's crying. The doctor came out and I walked towards him.

"How's my son?", I asked and he shook his head.

"His heart in critical condition. We need to perform a heart surgery but I'm afraid that he won't make it. He only has 50% chance to live", I felt my heart stopped suddenly.

My breath hitched, my eyes blurred. Not Taemin, please not my baby. My eyes slowly closed,


Then it all turned black.


Author's Nonsense Note:

What if, Jungkook is an anime?

What if, Jungkook is an anime?

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