Chapter 9

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Jennie's Pov

"I'll make it up to you. I promise"


He said he'll make it up to me when he's on TV, live. I frowned and placed the pillow harshly on my lap. Luckily, Taemin is already asleep.

"Kim Taehyung, we heard a few rumours that you're dating a certain girl right now? Is that true?", The female host asked and I swear, I'll murder all female hosts in the world.

"Really? Where have you heard such ridiculous rumours?", He laughed and I mockingly copied him.

He's all acting cute again! And it's not working on me. Fine, maybe a little bit.

"We have some photos we just seen on the internet. Can you clarify them?", The host asked and I suddenly felt nervous.

They posted the pictures and it was the three of us, Taehyung, Taemin and me.

"Where did you get that?", Taehyung asked, panic evident in his voice.

I'm also scared, what will they say about this? Will they go against us? What about Taemin? I'm not scared for myself, but I'm scared for my baby. He's still young.

"Relax, Kim Taehyung. You guys are a perfect couple. Some people are already suspecting about who that girl is", when she said that, my hands turn cold.

"I'm keeping them a secret, so please respect it", he said sternly.

"Aww, it's a waste that you'll hide your relationship with Apink's Naeun. You guys look good together"

Wait what? What the hell did she just say?!

"I'm sorry but did you just say, Apink's Naeun?", Taehyung asked unbelievably and the host nodded.

"Many people said that it is Naeun. Is it right?", She asked and I felt something odd in my chest.

Jealousy? He looked at the side and his eyes widened. He kept on staring at someone, it looked like they were communicating using their eyes. But then, Taehyung heaved a deep sigh before saying the phrase that made my world fall apart.

"Y-Yes it's her. It's Naeun"

I quickly turned the TV off and threw the pillow on the wall. My tears falling in frustration. Why did he say yes? He could've just changed or ignored the topic but yet! I wiped my tears and went upstairs to Taemin who was sleeping quietly.

"I love you Baby", I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I laid down beside him and hugged him tight. I won't let anyone touch my son. Taemin's my child and no one else's.


"Jennie, you have a visitor", Mom said and I fixed myself before going to the living room.

When I arrived , I felt my blood began to boil, seeing him play with my son. I also noticed that his manager was there. I quickly carried Taemin away from him that shocked him.

"What are you doing here?", I asked coldly and he was about to touch my arm but I dodged it.

"Looks like you saw his live interview last night. So I'm going straight to the point. Please let Naeun borrow your son just for a day", I glared at his manager and I kept my son away from both of them.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now