Chapter 29

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Taehyung's Pov

"Jennie! Jennie where are you?", I shouted while the others are trailing behind me silently.

Some are on camouflage while some just stayed silent. We are walking through the forest of Nami Island and we haven't found them yet.

"Jennie! Answer me!", I shouted once again and I heard a faint scream.


"Stay here", I ordered the others and was about to ran to where the voice is.

"Tae hyung!", I looked back to see Jungkook.

"Just press the button when things get worse", he said and I nodded.

I run and searched for them. When I got there, Samantha was already holding Jennie, a gun pointing on her head.

"Put the gun down Samantha", I pleaded and she just smirked.

"It's nice to see you again Taehyung. But step back if you don't want your precious Jennie die in front of you", she threatened.

"No, don't listen to her Taehyung---Ah!", I was startled when she hit Jennie's head with a gun.

"Don't hurt her, I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt her", I begged and I her eyes glittered.

"Really? You'll do anything?", She asked and pushed Jennie.

"Marry me Taehyung. That's all I want", she said softly and I looked at her hopelessly.

"You're crazy", I said and she shot the tree next to me.

"No I'm not! You're the one who's crazy! I loved you first! But instead you chose her over me!", She glared and looked at Jennie.

"If only you just die!", She was about to pull the trigger when I grab her hand and spun her around.

"Stop this Samantha! Just surrender!", I shouted but she fought.

"No! I'll kill you and your Jennie!", She shouted but a hand pulled her away.

"Jackson! Let me go!", Samantha struggled and elbowed him but Jackson didn't budge.

"Stop it Sam. Please!", Jackson begged.

I quickly run to Jennie who was holding her stomach. Shit, her wounds opened. She lost so many blood.

"Jennie, hang in there okay? I'll go get help", I said and pressed the button.

The button indicating that we need help. Judging from the situation, Jennie needs it the most.

"Stay with me Jennie. Don't you dare close your eyes!", I said and she just smiled.

"Please, be strong. For me and Taemin", I didn't notice, but my tears are falling.

"Taemin is alive?", She asked but she was already coughing blood.

Why is help taking too long?

"He is. So please don't ever give up", I softly caressed her face.

"Taehyung. I'm so sorry. If I listened to you. This wouldn't have happened", she cried and blood kept oozing from her mouth.

"Don't talk. Please", I begged and applied pressure on her wound.

"Please. Take care of Taemin for me"

She closed her eyes.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now