Chapter 10

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Jennie's Pov

"You guys are a cute family"

"Match made in heaven"

"You're blessed with a cute child"

I pouted, trying to keep myself from crying. I'm on the press conference right now with all the media.

I just stayed on the corner, watching my son on the lap of another woman, looking all confused. She looks like me on some angles so that's why they thought that I'm her.

I was startled when a hanky was placed in front of my face and I remembered I was with Mark. Since I didn't accept the hanky he just placed it on my face.

"I told you we should've just watched it on TV", he said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I just wanted to make sure if Taemin's safe", I replied.

"I'm sure Taehyung will take care of his son so come with me for a while, I have something to tell you", he pulled me out of the room and we headed towards the nearest park.

"What do you want to tell me?", I asked him.

"Don't be shocked okay?", He warned and I just nodded.

"The reason why I rarely visit is because, I auditioned to be an idol and I got accepted", I just nodded my head but what he said processed on my mind.

He audutioned to be an idol.

And he got accepted.

"Really? Congrats dude! You're an idol now!", He immediately put his hand on my mouth and looked around us.

"Good thing no one heard. I don't want anyone to know yet except you. Well, not yet, until we debut", he said and I apologized.

I smiled widely and hugged him.

"Oh my! My best friend is going to be an idol!", I cheered and he just hugged me back.

"I'll let you meet my new family, come on", he said and dragged me towards a popular company.

"You're going to be an idol? In JYP? Cool!", I said in amusement and he just chuckled.

"Let's go in", we entered the company and I can't help but feel amazed.

I looked at Mark again, my best friend's an idol now. I can't help but feel sad, his time with me and Taemin will be shortened.

"Hey, what are you thinking?", I didn't realized that he was already in front of me and grabbed both of my hands.

"I was just thinking that, you won't be with Taemin and I all the time since you're an idol now. It's just sad. Don't get me wrong! I'm happy but,", he cut me off and cupped my cheeks to make me look at him.

"I'll always be Taemin's uncle and I'll always be your best friend. I will always make time for you guys. I'm just a call away", he said and kissed my nose.

"Hyung?", we looked to the side and saw two boys.

They look like from another country.

"Jackson, BamBam!", Mark called them with a smile.

I guess they're his new family.

"Who's this fine specimen with you?", The tall one asked while pointing at me.

"Guys, this is Jennie. The one that I've been telling you about", Mark said and put both if his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh! You mean the one that you lo--", before he could finish his sentence, the other one covered his mouth.

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