Chapter 6

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Jennie's Pov

"Gosh he's so cute!", Jin giggled while I was sitting at the couch and they're all surrounding me since I was still carrying Taemin in my lap.

"He looks like Taehyung", Jimin cooed.

"Of course he's the father, it's impossible if the baby would look like you. Spare me the idiotness Jimin", Hoseok remarked and Jimin threw a pillow at him.

"How old is he?", Yoongi asked while holding Taemin's little hand.

"4 years old. He's turning five this December", I replied and he nodded.

"Is it true that they have the same birthday as V hyung?", Jungkook asked and I grew confuse, who's V?

"V?", I asked and they all looked at Taehyung.

"It's so obvious you're not an ARMY", Namjoon said and rolled his eyes.

"V, is Taehyung and ARMY, if you're a asking is our official fandom", Jin explained and I nodded with an "oohh".

"So, they have the same birthday?", Jungkook asked and I nodded.

"Wow, that's so cute!"

Taemin who was just staring at his new uncles silently, finally decided to ask, probably confused on who these strangers are.

"Mommy, who are they?", Taemin asked and looked at me questioningly.

"They're your Daddy's friends. Say hi to your uncles baby", I said to Taemin.

"Hi~", Taemin said and waved shyly.

"Aww, he's so cute! I really want to have a baby", Jungkook said and Jimin slapped his head.

"Shut up! One baby is enough", Yoongi said and Taehyung took Taemin.

"Aren't we a happy family?", Taehyung asked his friends.

Somehow, I felt butterflies in my stomach when Taehyung said that we're a happy family, it made me feel, relieved and happy.

"Jennie's blushing", Hoseok pointed out and they started to tease me.

"Cut it out you guys, you're making her uncomfortable", Taehyung said.

"Hyung can I carry him, please?", Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded.

"Baby, Uncle Jungkook wants to carry you, is that okay?", Jungkook asked Taemin, and he nodded.

"Be gentle okay?", Taehyung remind before giving Taemin to Jungkook.

"Let's go? Uncle Jungkook has something to show you", Jungkook said and entered his room.

"Jungkook wait for us", the others said in unison, leaving both Taehyung and I.

"I have something to you show too", I said to Taehyung and grabbed the photo albums from my bag.

"What's this?", He asked.

"Pictures of Taemin for the last four years. I was thinking that you might want to know more about him", I replied and he opened the album.

Taehyung would smile or laugh in every picture he sees. But his smile suddenly faded and I got curious, I peeked on what he was looking and it labeled: Taemin's firsts!

He caressed the picture where I was carrying a new born Taemin. A tired look on my face as I tried to smile at the camera while holding my little Angel.

"It's sad I couldn't witness it", he softly said and it made me guilty.

If only I told him sooner. If only I was never a coward, we would've been a great family. I felt really guilty and tears were forming in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Tae, if only I wasn't a coward", I said trying not to cry.

"It's okay Jen, I'm not mad", he said and kissed my forehead.

"Tell me more about Taemin", he said and I nodded.

"He likes Tom and Jerry very much. His favorite breakfast is pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. He also likes lion stuff toys, like you. He's good at drawing and---", I cut off when I caught Taehyung staring at me with a smile.

I shifted my position and cleared my throat before remembering the first word Taemin said.

"Do you know the first word he uttered?", I asked Taehyung and he shook his head.


"It's Dada", I simply said with a smile as I look at Taehyung trying to imagine that very day.

"I was so jealous that time cause it's not Mama or Mommy that he uttered and that's when I first realized, he really needs you. On his fifth birthday, you're his wish", I said and looked down.

"And you granted it", Taehyung added and entwined our hands.

"Thank you for telling me this Jen. Even though I couldn't live with him for the past four years, I still feel that I knew him in those years", he said and I smiled.

"Now that Taemin already accepted me, how about you Jen, when will you accept me back?", I was taken aback with what he said.

"What do you mean?", I ask him.

"I came back, for you. Everything I did was for you. I left you, and that was my mistake when we could've made it a secret. I still love you Jennie, and I always have", he confessed whilst looking into my eyes.

He's not lying. Losing my mind, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me as our lips met. I missed him too, so much. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me back. I put my hands on his waist and pulled away. He placed his forehead on mine as we stared in each others eyes.

"I still love you too Tae", I confessed and he immediately hugged me tight while spinning me around.

We heard cheerings and shouts from behind us and it was his hyungs together with Taemin.

"Dude finally!", Yoongi shouted.

"Yehey, they're back again!", Jimin cheered while clapping his hands.

"I'm so proud of you TaeTae!", Jin added and wiped his imaginary tears.

They we're shouting and cheering until the door opened revealing their manager with his mouth wide open. Jungkook put Taemin gently on the floor and Taemin ran up to me. Their manager looked at me then Taemin.

"Your son?", He asked me and pointed at Taemin.

I nodded and he headed to Taehyung.

"Your brother?", Taehyung almost choked on his own saliva.

"No, manager. He's my son", Taehyung said honestly as I smiled, he's proud calling himself as a father,


"What did you say?!"

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