🦄 Special Chapter 🐰

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Jungkook's POV

She already hit me with that Ddu Du Ddu Du! My God, I'm seriously nervous right now! Why did I even agree to my idiotic brothers' dare?


We are currently practicing our dance since we're going to an awards show again. We are lacking of rest, I know, but we need to give back for the support of our fans. What makes them happy, also makes us happy. But right now, I'm seriously tired. Namjoon hyung suddenly stopped the music when we're still in the middle of the chorus, he must be tired too.

"Let's take five for a moment", he said, panting.

We immediately slumped down on the floor, panting for air. But Taehyung hyung went to his bag and grabbed his phone. Probably texting his wife.

"Hyung! Let me talk to the kids!", I shouted and he walked towards me and gave me his phone.

He videocalled them, and I saw Taemin's smiling face in the screen.

"Hey little guy!", I said and waved at the screen.

Later on, all of the members are now at my back, watching Taemin with his sister.

"Wait hyung, if Jennie noona is doing groceries with her mom, then who's with the kids?", I asked and he suddenly smirked.

I have a bad feeling about that smirk.

"Ask Taemin", he said and I felt slaps on my back from the members.

"Yeah, ask Taemin Jungkook"

"Ask him! Ask him!"

"Fine okay?", I said and they all giggled like cats.

"T-Taemin, who's with you?", I asked him and took a big gulp.

"I'm with Momma Lisa! Momma!", I suddenly panicked when Taemin called her.

"No, Taemin!", And before I could stop him,

An angel's face is already on the screen with Taemin and Taehee. I just felt my heart stopped for a moment.

"Oh, hi guys!", She waved and I just frozed while the others waved back at her.

"Yiieee! Jungkook's blushing!", I heard Hoseok hyung squealed and I elbowed him.

"Hyung, catch!", I shouted at Taehyung hyung and threw his phone at him.

They all gave me a weird grins as they look at each other. Uh oh! I'm in trouble.

"Bye Lisa! I'll call Jennie later okay?", Taehyung said as I started to drink water.

"So how about we play a game while we do our practice?", Jimin hyung suggested and they all nodded in unison except me.

"What?", I asked as I felt nervous.

"Whoever makes a mistake, will do a dare!"

*End Of Flashback*

So basically, I lost. How? Whenever I sing "I love you so Bad" they would add, "Lisa!" and because of the sudden ad lib, I lost my footing and sadly, I had to do the dare.

What's the dare?

"Jungkook, are you ready to confess?", Yoongi hyung grinned and I felt my heart is going to burst.

We're watching the live dance of their comeback and we're just beside the big led screen as we watch them from behind. I look like a fanboy, holding a big stuffed unicorn and a bouquet of green roses. As she dances, she's all that I could see. Only her.

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