Chapter 4

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Jennie's Pov

Can I back out now? I felt that my hands are starting to become sweaty as I sat in front of him, trying to focus on the lectures but I can't. Now that I have decided to tell him about Taemin. I grabbed my sticky note and wrote something.

Taehyung, can we talk later?

I pass the note to him secretly and he noticed it. Not long after, I feel someone pat my shoulder and gave me back the note.

Sure, when?

I instantly replied to him.

After school. It's really important.

I passed the paper back to him as I could hear some soft snickering beside me. I looked at them and it was his friends, I looked down embarrassed. He pat my shoulder again and passed the note.

Okay. See you later, mwah!

I scrunch my brows, really? Mwah? Taehyung's got lot of issues.

But as the time passes by, I really felt nervous, I even bit my nails as a sign that I'm really nervous.

(After School)

I was fidgeting with my fingers again as I waited for Taehyung at the rooftop. I walked back and forth, murmuring things that even I can't understand.

"What do you want to talk about?", I jumped at the sudden voice out.

"Taehyung, I, well I. I don't know how to say it", I mumbled as he was just looking at me.

I cleared my throat and breathed deeply as I felt my chest tightened. Tears on the verge of falling, afraid of what he's going to say.

"Taehyung, I - I was pregnant", I said and looked down.

"What?", I looked at him and he looks like he couldn't believe what he heard.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, but you're a father now. Don't worry, I won't give you any responsibilies. I just wanted to tell you since you have the right to know and---", he cut me off by hugging me.

"What's his name?", He asked while he buried his face on my neck.

I could hear his voice breaking. Is he crying?

"Taemin. Kim Taemin", I answered and he chuckled.

He pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears. He smiled and cleared his throat.

"How old is he?", He asked and put his hands on his pocket.

"Turning five this December 30", I answered and I looked down.

"He also has the same birthdate as me. Why didn't you tell me?", He asked, I could feel his gaze on me.

"When I found out, we already broke up. So I assumed that you don't want the baby since we're over and we were still young. I'm afraid you would deny him", I explained as tears fell from my eyes.

"Why would you say that?", He asked and walked closer to me.

"You wanted to be an idol so much. So I thought that you would rather choose your career over him. I was afraid Taehyung, cause you might reject me and push me away, or worse you would ask for an abortion", I said and covered my face, remembering how I was scared to become a mom in such a young age.

"I would never do that! You know how I love kids so much. I love kids even more knowing that I have one. Can I meet him?", I looked at him and nod.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now