Chapter 16

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Taehyung's Pov

"Just tell me who did that!", I screamed at the staff.

"Calm down Taehyung. Nothing will resolve if you keep on shouting at them", Jin hyung tried to calm me down but I just can't.

Jennie's reputation is at risk here! And she just debuted for heaven's sake!

How am I so stupid? We're in public and yet, I held her hand knowing that they believe that I'm with Naeun. That girl, she's also one of my problem. But to be honest, Naeun's really a nice person, I even call her noona since she's a year older than me.

"Sir Taehyung, Miss Naeun is here", another staff said and she just waltz her way to me.

"I told you to be careful you abnormal gnome! Now they're asking me about my thoughts in your so called mistress", she said and noted the last word.

"Who the hell spread those pictures? I swear I'll kill them", I furiously said but she just smirked.

"You can't do that", she mocked and I looked at her with challenge.

"You're going up against Dispatch Taehyung", she said and gave me her phone.

Yup, it is Dispatch. Those gossip makers! I breathed out and messed my hair up.

"Oh! When can I see little Taehyung? I miss that kid. I also think it's time to meet the lovely mother of the cute kid", she said while fixing her make up.

How can she do that when we're in a middle of a sticky situation?

"To be honest, it's that Jennie girl, right? The one you said is the love of your life?", She seriously asked and I was shocked at first but later on smiled.

Looks like someone is sharp.

"She is, everything that I'm doing, is for her and our family", I honestly said and she smiled.

"Don't you think it's the right time to tell everyone who you really love?", She asked and I looked down.

I want to, but I don't think manager will let me do that.

"I don't know", I just simply said and she handed me her phone back.

"Look at the comments Tae", and I did, and it shocked me.

"They're cute!"

"Awww, but Taehyung is with Naeun now"

"I ship them"

"Lol, rivalry for Taehyung nice!"

"They look cute!"


"Dispatch really loves to make new ships"

But what shock me most is at the last eight comments.


"Hahaha, Tae hyung can be with noona now"

"Taehyung, now you can say who the love of your life is"

"Spread the good news!"

"Yes! When's the wedding?"

"Finally I can sleep without Jimin bothering me about Taehyung and Jennie"

"Don't they look cute everyone?"

"To be honest, Taemin's mother is really Jennie and not Naeun"

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