Chapter 26

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Jennie's Pov

I looked at my phone as I read my friends' messages, asking me if where I am or am I okay. But one thing is for sure, I am not. I heaved a heavy sigh as I thought about what would Taehyung do today. Is he taking care of Samantha and their baby? I caressed Taemin's hair as he took an afternoon nap. I heard the front door opened and I'm not even startled, the door was locked and Mark has the other key. I got up and walked to the living room bit was shocked to see Taehyung instead of Mark.

"What are you doing here?", I asked but instead of answering he just hugged me.

I tried calling to push him away but he just tightened his hug.

"Please hear me out first", he said calmly and I let him.

"First of all, there's nothing that really happened between Samantha and I--", I cut him off.

"You're going to deny it again? Please don't Taehyung--", he cut me off too by playing a recording from his phone.

"Why do you always force it that way? Nothing was between you and Taehyung so it's impossible he's the one who impregnated you! In fact, nothing happened between you that night!"

I looked at him and he was still looking at the phone. I recognized the voice, it's Jackson. So that's why he was protecting Samantha. After the record, I looked away, feeling guilty as tears brimmed on my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung. I should've believed in you. I shouldn't have doubted you", I cried and he cupped my face to make me look at him.

"It's okay Jennie. You didn't know, you were hurt", he said and wiped my tears.

"But still---", he cut me off again by pecking my lips.

"Now, where's Taemin? I miss that kid already", he smiled and I pointed upstairs.

He immediately run upstairs while dragging me. He opened the room silently and we entered. He let go of my hand and headed to where Taemin is as he bent down to kiss his forehead.

"He misses you a lot too", I whispered and he smiled.

"It's because his mom judged to quickly", he teased and I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's not my fault you kissed her back", I said back loudly that made Taemin move.

"Shhh! You're so noisy", he said and I slapped his arm but he just wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we watch our son sleeping.

"This is one of the things I dreamed for", he suddenly said.

"That you and me will watch our child sleeping while cuddling. And we will watch how they grow up to be better persons", he said and I smiled.

We just watched Taemin quietly. I hope things will turn out well. Now that we know Samantha is really pregnant, I hope Taehyung has a good plan.


"I'll call you okay?", Taehyung waved as he drove back to the dorm.

He said that Samantha was searching for him and threatened to jump of the building if he won't show up. She really is crazy for Taehyung. I was about to turn back when I heard footsteps near me and before I know it, everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes and all I can see is a wall with faded green paint. Where am I? I looked around and it was just me alone in the room, why am I here? Taemin! I tried to break free but the ropes on my hand won't come off. I'm scared right now.

"Oh, she's awake", I looked up and saw Samantha smirking at me.

"Samantha let me go!", I shouted but she returned it with a sharp slap.

"Shut up bitch! You stole Taehyung from me, how about I steal what's yours", she smirked and I grew scared all of a sudden.

She grabbed her phone and showed it to me. I was shocked when I saw Taemin sitting on a black sofa while a tall man was behind him.

"Lookie, your Taemin is with my friend. But don't worry he won't hurt him if you would just do what I want", she smirked evily.

"Anything! Just don't hurt Taemin, please I'm begging you", I begged.

"Kill yourself then", she laughed hysterically.

"You're crazy!", I shouted but she slapped me again and this time she hit me with a gun.

"Shut up! Shut up!", She shouted.

She dialled something in her phone and I cried.

"Kill that kid right now", she ordered and the next thing I knew, I heard a loud bang from her phone.


"Taemin! You animal! How dare you kill an innocent child!", I cried and she just laughed.

"So that Taehyung will only take care of our child. And if I kill you too, maybe he'll take care of me", she smirked.

"Oh, I won't kill you now. I want to prolong your agony. So for now", she walked towards me and took out a knife.

I screamed in pain when she sliced my palm. I could feel the blood oozing out of my hand and my tears streaming down my eyes. The next thing was she cut my other palm and I screamed. Why is this happening to me?

"Oohh! Red suits you Jennie. It suits you very much", she laughed by all I think about is Taemin.

My baby.

Is he really gone?

"Don't worry Jennie. You'll meet him soon, in hell", she left and I let all my tears out.

My son, my Taemin.

I couldn't even protect him. I'm so useless.How could I let this happen? I cried hard and I just ignored the stinging pain on my palms. The only thing that hurts me right now, is that Taemin is gone from me.


Save me.

Save us.


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