Chapter 14

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Jennie's Pov

"What? It's too soon!", I exclaimed, surprised.

"One of our groups has already disbanded and I think you guys should take their place", the Producer explained.

"But we aren't trained properly yet. I still want to be trained by Gummy", Rosé pouted.

"Girls, you're already talented. I know you can do it. Besides, we have a due date ahead of us", we just sighed.

"Now, go back to practice!", He ordered and we scurried ourselves back to practice.

"It's too soon. It didn't even sink to me yet that we're going to be idols", Lisa said.

"Yeah right. I'm nervous", Jisoo said.

I feel her, I'm also nervous. We just got accepted and now, we have to debut right away. I'm afraid, what would Taehyung react if he finds out? I heard my phone rang and I quickly pick up without seeing who's calling.


"Jennie", I frozed, I miss his voice.

"Taehyung? Why did you call?", I asked and I could feel my heart already beating fast.

"I miss you", those three words made my day.

"I miss you too", I replied.

"How are you and Taemin? I miss the both of you", - T.

"We're fine Taehyung. No need to worry", - J.

"I'm free today, maybe I can visit you guys", I shot up from my seat.

"Uh.. I'm.. I'm not at home today. I'm busy", I stuttered and bit my lower lip.

"Oh? Is that so?", I could sense disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah. Sorry", I simply said.

"Don't overwork yourself okay? Your health is more important. I don't want you getting sick", he reminded and I smiled.

"Of course, don't overwork yourself too", I reminded back and he just hummed.

"Jennie! Let's get back to practice", I heard Jisoo shouted.

"I-I need go now Tae. I still have something to do", I said.

"I love you", my stomach turned as I felt butterflies flying.

"I love you too", with that, I hung up.

I calmed my heart down. I felt like giggling and rolling on the floor but that would be embarrassing for others to see.

"Was that Taehyung?", I felt a poke on my waist and saw Lisa wriggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up Maknae. Let's go", I said and drag her to practice.


Taehyung's Pov

She's not here again. I went to Jennie's house to visit them, but her house is empty. Where could she be? I was about to walk away when a car stopped in front of me. The car opened revealing Mark.

"No one's here?", He asked and I nodded my head.

"It's been weeks since they haven't gone home. Do you have any idea where she is?", He asked and I raised my eyebrow at him.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now