Chapter 19

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Jennie's Pov

"Mommy hurry up!", Taemin shouted while I'm trying my best to run after him.

"Baby! Don't run or you'll hurt yourself", I shouted after him.

It was my day off today and I decided to have a date with Taemin since it's been so long since we had a quality time together. I asked Taehyung if he could come too but he said he can't. I think he said he has something to do. He was still running around when he bumped into someone and I hurriedly run to him.

"See? I told you to stop running arou---"

"Jennie?", Someone called and I looked up.

I widened my eyes as I saw her face again. The face who always claims that Taehyung is her boyfriend. Taehyung's pen pal.

"Samantha?", I asked while fixing Taemin's clothes.

"Oh mi gosh! It's been what, 6 years? And who's this kid?", She asked while pointing at Taemin.

"Uhm.. My son", I replied and she widened her eyes.

"Really? How cute!", She pinched Taemin's cheeks and he quickly run to my side.

"So, Samantha are you alone?", I asked and she shook her head.

"I'm with someone right now and it's Ta---"

"Sam! There you....are", how could he!

"Taehyung look! Jennie's here", Sana shouted and pointed at me.

Taemin was about to head where Taehyung is but I stopped him.

"Ah! Enjoy your date! Because I have mine too", I said pertaining to Taemin.

I tried my best to avoid Taehyung's gaze. I quickly grabbed Taemin and walked faster away from them. So he wanted to have a good time with Samantha than us? What am I saying, I'm not even his girlfriend. He's just Taemin's father, noting else.

"Mommy? You're crying", Taemin pulled my hand to make me squat.

He kissed my nose after he wiped my tears. I just smiled and he hugged me.

"It's okay Mommy. Taemin will protect you", he said and later on, I felt his weight on me.

No! He suddenly collapsed and I panicked. I tapped his cheeks and his eyes were still closed. What's happening?

"Taemin? Taemin don't scare Mommy please. Help! Somebody help us!", I shouted and few people came to me.

"Jennie? Oh sh!t what happened", it's Mark with his friends from Got7.

"H-He collapsed", I cried and he carried Taemin.

"Go Mark, take Taemin to the hospital!", Jinyoung said and we immediately ran towards the car park.

He drove all the way to the hospital while I was still tapping Taemin's cheeks hoping he will wake up.

"Baby, please wake up. Don't scare Mommy, please Taemin", I whispered and tears kept on flowing from my eyes.

We haven't experienced this before. When we arrived, we quickly head to the ER, I wanted to be with Taemin but the doctor stopped me, so I waited outside. Mark just kept on comforting me while I hug him.

"What really happened?", He asked while caressing my back.

"We... We're just hanging out and he.... He suddenly collapsed... I'm scared Mark... What if Taemin will---"

"Shhh! Taemin will wake up. I promise", he kissed my forehead and I just rested my head on his chest.

I'm so confused right now. First Taehyung and now, Taemin. I can't help but think the worse. I hope my baby is okay, I can't live without him. He's the only one I've got.

"Does Taehyung know about this?", Mark asked and I shook my head.

"Don't tell him. He doesn't have to know", I replied.


"Mark, please not now. I'm not in the mood to listen", I said and he just nodded.

After a few minutes, the doctor came out and I immediately approached him.

"Doc, how's my son?", I asked and his eyes show sadness.

"He suffered from heart disease which was inherited from the family. Are any of your family members experiencing this?", He asked.

My Dad.

I nodded my head and he shook his head.

"His condition can be lessen if you take care of him properly. Avoid the child in any case of stress and emotional distress if possible. Let him eat nutritious food and avoid junk foods", he reminded and I just nodded my head.

"Can I see him now?", I asked the doctor and he nodded.

I headed to where Taemin is and saw him sleeping. I couldn't help but let my tears fall. How can I let this happen? Why can't I just be a perfect mother? Taemin doesn't deserve this kind of pain. I held his hand and cried. Please, please don't take him from me.

"Mark, am I lacking as a mother?", I asked while sobbing.

"Don't say that Jennie. You're one of the best mothers I know aside from Auntie and Mom. You're a wonderful mother Jennie, and I know Taemin doesn't blame you", he comforted while caressing my shoulders.

I touched his hand on my shoulders as we both looked at Taemin who was sleeping, his heartbeat steady on the monitor and my tears kept on falling.

"When are you going to tell Taehyung?", He suddenly asked.

"I don't know", I just simply replied and I heard him sighed.

"You shouldn't take all the responsibility to yourself. Taehyung is also Taemin's parent, he has the right", he's at it again.

"Mark, what if there will be a time that Taehyung finds another woman, what should I do?", I asked emotionlessly as I remember how he decline my offer just to have a date with his former pen pal.

"What are you saying?", Mark asked, he thinks I'm joking.

"I don't want to get hurt again. Not now", I sobbed and Mark hugged me.

"Shhh, when that time comes, I'll be here"


"Jennie! You're not doing good today. Is something wrong?", Jisoo asked after we practiced our dance for As if it's your last.

I also noticed that I always messed up the dance. Some staffs would shake their heads and I feel like I disappoint them a lot.

"Jennie! A word with you please", our manager called and I run up to him.

"Is there something wrong? Personally?", He asked and I slightly nod my head.

"I know it's hard but I want you to stay strong. I also what you to keep your matters to yourself and don't let it affect your work", he said and I nodded.

I got back to practice and gladly, I perfected it. After we practiced, manager let me head home to work on my problems. I drove home but before I arrive home I pass by BigHit and I saw two silhouettes outside. I drove a little closer and gasped.

It was Taehyung and Samantha.

But what shocked me most is that Samantha grabbed his neck and kissed him. I was staring at them the whole time, my world stopped, my heart stung. I almost crashed on the post gladly a girl screamed and I was alerted. I know they heard the scream so I drove faster.

Away from that place, away from him.

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